What are some biscuits or chocolate I can put in a milkshake?

Answer #1


Answer #2

Oreos are the best =)

Answer #3

i have just made oreo actually :D

Answer #4

what about Hershey’s chocolates? =))

Answer #5


Answer #6

Any sort of chocolates really :D You can melt it or jjust stick it in and get yummy chunks, like reese, m&m’s, hershey. Any cookie that is sweet and chocolatey would be good :D

Answer #7

Oreo cookies!

Answer #8

haha that works perfectly

Answer #9

Lol, :Db

Answer #10

I’d use reeses peanut butter cups and chocolate-walnut fudge, haha.

Answer #11

Oreos, Boost Juice Bars make a smoothie with Oreos in it that tatses great! you can also use pretty much ny other biscuit and normal dairy milk chocolate. why not mix it up and add malteasers or break a mars bar into chuncks and blend it together?

Answer #12

Haha =] “biscuits” that’s cute lol

Answer #13

whats wrong with saying biscuits :O

Answer #14

nothinggg, Im american and I think its funny how brits say “biscuits” =]

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