Would it be more beneficial in the long run for me to major in education and minor in psychology or the other way around?

I love both fields but it seems that the higher demand job would be in education.

Answer #1

Other way around. Major in pshcology, minor in education.

Answer #2

I personally think a Major in education and minor in Psychology. Speaking frankly, there are a ton of students who do not have high grades, or an idea what they wish to do in the future, who chose psychology because they can get into it. A major in psychology is a frequently seen degree, and most people here, with that degree, just grab random jobs afterwards. Education on the other hand, you could look into teaching, combined with the pych minor, school guidance counselor, or even if you chose not to do something related to education you can look for other desk jobs.

Answer #3

Unless you mean Psychology in the neuro-science faculty.

Answer #4

I think a major in education and minor in psychology would be more beneficial because it would help you understand the people/kids you’re teaching. I really don’t see how a minor in education would help you with psychology.

Answer #5

Agreeing with Harley.

Answer #6

Other way around

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