Who here believes in past lives?

Any experiences with them?

Answer #1

im not so sure but it sounds cool i think it might be possible lol

Answer #2

not me

Answer #3

hahaha, Not I….

Answer #4

We’ll never truely know…

Answer #5

there could be people out there who remember. but we would all just think them to be insane!

Answer #6

i would like to think its true. but im not really sure :/

Answer #7

I do :D

Answer #8

Well I have no experiences with past lives. I do have 2 people I know who do. 1 says he remembers being a roman soldier and another believes her daughter is her grandmother reincarnate. I don’t believe in them….. However I will offer another proposal, what about genetic memory. Like memories are genetically linked to generation to generation. For those who have played the video game Assassins Creed know what I’m talking about.

Answer #9

I do.

Answer #10

I do! I have these deja vu moments which make no sense and I’ll recognize people I’d never seen before in my life. It’s really weird but cool at the same time :)

Answer #11

really? thats so cool… I wish I had that!

Answer #12

I do! This isnt a legitamate experience but its something sweet. When i met my fiance for the first time i felt like i already knew him, like i wasnt just meeting him. with some people i meet that have been important in my life i really do feel like an old connection is there. I did try meditations to access old memories and it worked a few times, but i only caught glimpses nothing solid.

Answer #13

Eh, I don’t :P

Answer #14

Well too bad…… Then “I’m sorry your honor, but my past life made me do it” won’t hold up in court very well

Answer #15

maybe i have to experience it to believe it i guess :)

Answer #16

Nope. I don’t think that this is possible.

Answer #17

I didnt mean committing a crime. I meant people who are believed to be insane because they have visions or whatever. obviously there is no excuse for committing a crime.

Answer #18

:D i get that too! its like “i know you, but have absolutely no idea who you are… i have never seen you before in my life”. once the other person apparently had the same thing, it was wierd. it was in new hamshire, i live in new jersey so there was no way we knew eachother. i dont know if i believe in past lives, but i do know that happens and i have no other explanation for it.

Answer #19

he had the same thing its normal you do know when you buy something in isent uniqe and theres a high chance u might find somebody with the same thing -__-

Answer #20

no not like an object -__- obviously the majority of objects are mass produced and that wouldnt be wierd. what i was trying to say was that the other person from new hamshire had the same experience with the deja vu when they saw me that i did when i saw them. thus supporting the theory of past lives because we recognized each other (as if from a past life) but had never met or seen each other before in this life… sorry if i was unclear or still am unclear :/ its just hard to explain

Answer #21

i do

Answer #22

i do 2

Answer #23

i do 2

Answer #24

same here!

Answer #25

Not I. That would imply that we are immortal. I try not to deify the human race as much as possible.

Answer #26

i do

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