who believes that if you get out of church bad things will start happening?

Answer #1

Not me. Good things happen to non-religious people.

Answer #2

idk wat to think…

Answer #3

You were prolly raised to think that. I was and I made my own choice to pick my no religion, and I’m fine right now. I get good grades, okay family, and I’m still living. I think that isn’t a “bad thing.”

Answer #4

agreed. im just like you jackie

Answer #5

No I don’t,Its just thinking of mind.

Answer #6

Bad things will start happening if you think they will start happening. You control your own life. Live it with a positive outlook on everything you do, and no one can punish you, good things will happen to you if you will it. Take control of your life and anything is possible, don’t let the church own you.

Answer #7

Yea religion also causes roaches(people who ask fo yo stuff) and Dont give any thing in return.

Answer #8

That isn’t possible, or from what I know. Bad things only happen if you attempt to do something very stupid, I did and I regret it. Make that worse, it was the day before my youth conference right after service ended.

Answer #9

I was raised a Christian, and when I walked away from the church, I actually waited for the sky to fall on me. However, ever since I left Christianity, my life has been incredible, happy, fortunate…..I’ve never regretted it.

Answer #10

Oh, it might be important to note that while I was part of the church, my life was hell…many awful details I would much rather not share.

Answer #11

I didn’t notice more bad things happening after I lost my faith.

Answer #12

They could but not because you walked out of church. Whether your inside the church or outside of it doesn’t matter. You still believe in your faith and religion and your god and that is all that matters.

Answer #13

They could but not because you walked out of church. Whether your inside the church or outside of it doesn’t matter. You still believe in your faith and religion and your god and that is all that matters.

Answer #14

I don’t believe that, bad things won’t happen. But: Remember the Sabbath day and Keep it Holy. Just stay close to god and read the bible and keep his words in your heart.

Answer #15

Well it depends if you were even truly into your faith if you just went to church like you go to school and not really took your religion seriously then whats the diffrence if you leave it?

Answer #16

Bad things won’t happen…good will start to happen. Have Faith, keep the Sabbath and be obedient :)

[link removed]

Answer #17

Uhhh… Nothing. I’m not against Christianity but nothing will happen, godly or otherwise. You’ll just get some of your Sunday back. Kthnxbai

Answer #18

Not true. You can have the holy spirit in you.. and if you need help just ask God

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