Why do you believe in your religion if you have one?

Why do you believe in your religion if you have one?

Answer #1

I’m Pagan. It just felt right for me. I’ve tried Christianity and Spiritualism and the beilfs they had were not the same as mine. I’m really into nature and the natural world and Paganism allows me to explore that and be at one with the Earth.

Answer #2

Hey Tseirpeth,

I know the Bible rather well. I study its narrative, origin and history almost daily. So, you can imagine that when you write: ‘… the bible’s confirmed predictions are well into the thousands…’ , I become very interested in you giving examples. Could you?! Please?

Answer #3

There are over 1000 reasons I believe in mine. The bible’s confirmed predictions are well into the thousands.

Answer #4

I’m what my mum likes to call “a fence” because I beleive in loads of different religions I went to a christian primary, which made me a bit of a christian, then when I went to comp we started learning about different religions, and I agreed with their believes

and come off it… someone must of been pritty sad to make up all these religions.. you know… lets call him jesus… son of god. and we’ll make him do this, and this… it must of happened… it would take a life time to create a religion..

Answer #5

The question is a trick question. If you believe in your religion, you are worshipping an idol. God is not a religion. Religions are created by man. Speak about your relation with your God(s) or whatever. When someone says, the way I worship is the one and only way, you know right away it’s not true, because if it was, all those other people saying the same thing would be wrong. So who’s right?

Answer #6

because I have prayed to god for something to happen loads of times and it happened!!!

Answer #7

I believe in one religion LOVE LOVE-only religion created by god

Why we are fighting our issues like ‘caste,religion,skin colour or other and number of things. When a child is born he doesn’t know weather he’s a christian,muslim,hindhu or a jew it’s his relatives that feed his mind with beliefs. Nothing is wrong in beliefs but whoever is killed in riot’s or in Indo -Pak war is not a hindu or muslim or christian He’s a human being. Now it’s time to stop all this bloodshed in the name of religion.

Answer #8

I believe in god almighty and jesus christ! if anyone out there is listening please do. god created us all. please I am catholic. but that doesnt me you have to be catholic. you can be whatever you just got to belive that god and jesus created us all. please. just read the bible. I hope my words here help you find god

Answer #9

Why do I believe in my religion: Because Jesus (as Christians believe) came to earth to unite the Jews and Gentiles, whereas he would be the covenant between all mankind and God. Nice plan to be included in!

But it doesn’t stop there - I am Roman Catholic - the reason is because Jesus appointed Simon -Jesus changed his name to Peter (Petra = Rock) to be the head of the Church = the first Pope. He told him that upon this rock, he will build His Church. For 2000 years, that rock has been the Papal office.

Answer #10

Because JESUS IS REAL if you don’t believe in him then im sorry you don’t know what your missing

Answer #11

I am a Christian, and there are many reasons for that. More than I could even think of at the moment, but, I will share what comes to mind.

  1. I believe Jesus Christ is the Lord of all creation.

  2. I believe the Holy Bible, to be the inspired Word of God.

  3. The Holy Spirit bears witness to my spirit, within.

  4. I see the beauty and majesty of our creator all around.

  5. When I sought him, I found him & he has shown himself faithful.

  6. I have no reason to look any further. I am very happy exactly where I am…

                                  IN CHRIST.
Answer #12

My “religion” is actually more of a philosophy rather than a religion. I believe in LaVeyan Satanism.

The reason I believe in it is because I strongly relate with his idea’s and views on life. They use Satan as a symbol (actually dont’ believe in him), for human’s carnal desires and man’s inherant nature. In this religion, you are your own God. They believe in an eye for an eye, treat people how they treat you, giving into your desires as long as it does not harm another person against their will,.

Answer #13

I belong to the church of the flying spaghetti monster. If I am going to engage in fantasy, I might as well go all out…

Answer #14

I stuck with islam because it just made sense to me. and its open to your own interpretation. I liked it a lot because their is no hierarchy. its a one on one relationship with God. and prophets are perceived to just be prophets; humans.

Answer #15

My religion speaks to me, and generally “feels” right.

I have researched many other religions before settling on Buddhism, and none gave me the same “warm, fuzzy” feeling I get when I know I’m following the path of Buddha.

Answer #16

Not my religion - I believe in my Savior, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ ! - as described in John 3 : 16.

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