Being A Psycho

There’s This Girl,

 I have/am scaring her away because of my neurotic tendacies and desperation to where I over analyze, overreact, and come to erroneous conclusions.  I get the sense that I am pushing her away if I haven't already done so.  I've said a few things that have already cast me as "that weird person" and I wish I could take them back but I can't.  I don't mean to be this way but I get too excited over things and over react.

How Do I Recover From This & Is There A Way To Stop Being All Flustered Like I Am?

Mr. Hopeless

Answer #1

Right now, it seems you are accepting the fact that in the past you have neurosis, overreactive behavior, and a list of other bad qualities. One. You say you want to stop this and recover. My question is, what do you want to recover to? Do you have an idea in your head of who you are without all these problems? Two. Do you only act like this with her or all the time? I would be concerned if in the past you are usually like this. And I am wondering if this is so, how come she is the only reason you want to change. If not, then how come you act like this only with her?

let me know Mr Hopeless!!

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