Should a bee sting still be itchy after almost a week?

I got stung last Thursday (today is Tuesday). Though it is no longer painful or obvious, the area is still very red and itchy to the touch. Is this normal?

Answer #1

My first guess is that part of the stinger is still in there, or that the itching is just your skin healing. Wash it with really warm soapy water, and if that doesen’t help try leaving some baking soda on there for a good while. Look closely for the stinger, if it’s still there, try and get it out with a pair of tweezers.

Answer #2

The stinger is gone… stung me through my pants at work so really there was no way it would have stayed in the first place… the pain lasted for about 3 days, the itch for an extra day and now it’s just still really red and itchy to the touch.

Answer #3

Well, I think it will be ok. Put some anti-septic on it to combat a possible very mild infection. You know some stings are worse than others, for example, I can get stung by a wasp or bumble bee and be fine, but if a yellow jacket gets me it’s a bad deal. You could be having an alergic reaction there on your skin. Don’t worry, it will pass.

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