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Has anyone seen the new batman movie? the dark night.
If so…what did you think?
It is the greatest movie I have ever seen. Heath Ledger was so good as The Joker! I memerized a lot of his lines already, and I plan to see it again! Just today I saw a girl who is about 10 or 11 riding on her bike and she was wearing joker makeup! Seriously it was all there, the black eyes, the lipstick paleness, and her hair was kinda dirty blonde so it worked! haha
I WENT 2 C THE MOVIE ABOUT 2WKZ AGO IT was GREAT…IM going to GO & C IT AGAIN & again totally [[[ NOT ]]] A waste of $
ha thats awesome I’m excited to go see it. I’ve been told from everyone that I need to see it in Imax theater.
Its funny you say your going to go see it again bc I’ve heard that from so many people! haha. Thanks everyone for the avice
Yes! I loved it! It was action packed and everything! I’m going to go see it again. You can’t help but quote lines that the Joker says once you see it. One of my all time favorites. Oh…but it’s looong!
its really really good.
I havent seen it yet but I am going tommorow im going to let you know how it turned out,
Not yet, but I can’t wait to go see it!
I’m going to watch it with my hunny today :D
batman or joker - 7 Answers
batman or joker??? who do you like better. I like joker.
which actor do you think made better as batman. - 3 Answers
Which actor do you think made better as batman Michael Keaton or Crishtian Bale any answer is welcome thank you.
Is philip seyor hoffman playing penguin in batman sequel - 1 Answers
Is phillip seymor hoffman playing penguin in the sequel of the dark knight
Did you like the new batman movie - 7 Answers
Did you like the new batman movie or not I did but it had a lot of killing in it!?
Batman - 4 Answers
Are they gunna make another batman?
Has anyone seen the new Batman Movie? - 6 Answers
What did you think of it? I personally loved it, and Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker. I personally kinda thought Batman...
Has anyone seen the new batman? - 3 Answers
I watched it opening night with my boyfriend and I thought it was freaking amazing !!!anyone have any input
Batman begins dvd - just watched it, and I think it was great - ho - 3 Answers
Last night I watched Batman Begins on DVD with some friends. I have to say, the movie was awesome - possibly the best batman ...
Batman: Dark Knight questions - 1 Answers
Ok this might sound stupid but I just dont understand some. 1. Why didnt batman kill joker when he has the chance? Scene" co...
Batman movie, what's your favourite? - 4 Answers
I just saw the new batman movie dark night tonight. My favourite batman movie I think so far would be batman begins. Whats yo...