Has anyone filed for bankruptcy?

Did any one file for bankrupcy? And if so was it worth doing?

Answer #1

well thank you for your advice but honestly you dont seem to know anything about it. I need someone with a little more experience about the topic. But thank you for your help hun!

Answer #2

well I know one person who filed for it and honestly it gets off your credit report in 5 years now instead of 7 to 10 like back in the day

Answer #3

I don’t know my dad is trying to do it . I dont realy know .. I wouldnt do it unless completely nessasary

Answer #4

no but my father had been thinking about it … it ruins you credit though

Answer #5

sorry I wasnt realy any help I wish I could have helped ya :{

Answer #6

Bankruptcy is when a person or a firm thinks that they are in financial crisis, they go out for filing bankruptcy in related court.

Answer #7

Lots of people filing for bankruptcy, for their financial problem or to be secured their business.

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