Are you in favor of taxing people to give to people who pay no taxe

Are you in favor of taxing people to give to people who pay no taxes ?

Answer #1

There is no sales tax in Montana…

30% of the people don’t pay any FEDERAL INCOME TAX…already…where’s all these bucks going to come from?? That 5% better be very fat.


Answer #2

…this is what Bush just did with his hand outs - no, I didn’t get either “stimulus check” because my wife & I both work, and live in one of the most expensive areas in the country, as a result, while we’re middle middle class…we didn’t get the hand out.

If you have a job, you still pay FICA..which is a tax, like it or not. So the only people who get while paying zero taxes have no jobs. Years ago, I worked at a social services agency in the jobs program, helping people to get back on their feet - or establish themselves. I worked with local government agencies, and the agency I worked for was a private non profit.

While the non profit I worked for gave people “stuff” from the government, these people got nothing…so, I guess I’m confused, as the only people I can think of that do nothing but get a check, off hand, was the homeless program in SF by Willy Brown, which has been discontinued, where if you were homeless, you got a monthly check.

So…nope, not in favor of it, and the closest I can think of to a program like what you’re referring to is Bush’s hand outs, OR the Willy Brown hand outs. To ends of the spectrum, and neither of them a good idea.

Answer #3

30% of the people in the US, don’t pay taxes after their exemptions and tax credits…already…so where’s all the money going to come from?? Those elitest 5%?

Answer #4

Hmm, if people had a job and such, then they could pay taxes. But, if people don’t have jobs, I’m not sure. I don’t know if people who don’t pay taxes should pay probably not since those people might be poor and can’t. I’m not sure about this one.

Answer #5

Why don’t we just get rid of taxes on wages. That would solve the problem.

Answer #6

Who are these people who pay no tax? Unless you never buy anything, you are at least paying sales tax.

I am in favor of everyone paying their fare share of taxes. I am in favor of not taxing people who live in poverty, and in favor of welfare programs to help those who cant help themselves. Do you disagree with any of that amblessed?

Answer #7

It depends why they aren’t paying taxes. If they’re THAT poor, then yes, I am in favor of it.

If they’re evading, then obviously not.

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