Are Christians the leading cause of atheism?

What is the leading cause of atheism?

Answer #1

We can say with certainty Christians are the leading cause for spreading the Good News enabling countless to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ !!

Answer #2

stopandsmelltheroses: No, it doesn’t mean that at all. I’m an atheist, and just because I don’t have to worry about some almighty power punishing me if I don’t do good, I still believe in a code of ethics and morals, and live by them. Not to mention, there’s the far more real incentive to ‘do good’ that is our legal system.

Answer #3

If there was no religion there would be no such thing as theists or atheists. Looked at that way religion does cause atheism. If that were the case we would have to find something else to argue about!

I wouldn’t say that over-the-top Christians are what push people toward atheism. There may be a few believers who get so fed up with a certain sect of Christianity that they become atheists but for the most part if a Christian has a problem with their particular sect they change to another kind of Christianity they find more appealing to them. A recent poll showed that 44% of Americans are a different religion or denomination than they were raised with. The number of people who change their faith is much greater than the number who give up on religion all together.

Answer #4

Nice DC Talk ref by the way

Everyone is born with no belief system. So technically we were all atheist at birth as we had no preconceived thoughts on it.

I wouldn’t say christians are the leading cause… but probably the most sustaining cause. (As in someone who is already atheist get’s reeeaaally annoyed by those in your face christians which makes them want to STAY atheist. lol)

xox Sika

Answer #5

no its not a leading one…its just people who dont want to beleieve in anything…some people want to beleive and serve something they believe is higher than them, some people dont beleive in anything like that. there all kinds of different people in the world. but just bevause one thing happens dosnt mean its the cause of the opposite happening to.

Answer #6

I think the leading cause of Atheism is due to the theory of evolution.

Also, as a society we are growing more and more affluent, and more full of learned knowledge. The more we learn, and the more affluent we are, the less we feel any need of God.

Man today, for the most part, feels he has arrived. Poor people are humble people, realizing their weakness.

Knowledge puffs up. Affluence breeds pride and arrogance.

All of this adds up to removing God from the throne of our lives, our homes, and our government.

Man wants to be in charge.

That is why the mark of the beast is 666, 6 is the number of man.

Answer #7

I think the leading cause of atheism is the expansion of science and not the behavior of any particular religion. As science explains more of our world and ourselves, religion becomes less and less meaningful to some people. As religion’s mistakes are exposed by science, religion also becomes less trustworthy to some people. Of course, there will always be some people who will believe religion over science no matter what. And there will always be those who can reconcile the two. However, I find in my own life that science is more satisfactory all around than any religion.

Answer #8

I’m not very fond of their religious beliefs. the cause for me was my interest in astronomy, and biology. I never commited to atheism though, until I noticed that people giving all credit to “god” when I realized that these were completly natruel processes.

Answer #9

silverwings, I’ve seen you previously dissing reason, and now we see the same in regard to knowledge.

Do you consider reason and knowledge universally evil, or is it only when they challenge your religious beliefs that they are bad? Are you interested in real truth, or merely in comfort in your beliefs?

Answer #10

silverwings: You seem to see knowledge as bad somehow. How do you reconcile that with living in a society entirely built on the gradual acquisition of more and better knowledge, improving everyone’s lives?

Answer #11

Well there is a fine line between Christianity and Atheism. Christianity does not explain much of the things that the Vedas explain. In other words it is incomplete. It does not explain why people suffer or why we were put on the Earth or anything like that. It is a very dry religion, so because of this many Christians turn to atheism becasue science answers their questions, and Christianity does not. Christianity makes many incorrect claims. They say the Earth is 6,000 years old when in actuality it is 4.54 billion years old. Christianity says that people can only live to 120 years old, when in actuality they can live much longer. They also say that the Earth is in the middle of the Solar System when in actualtiy the Sun is.

Answer #12

In a nutshell, no. If Christianity never existed, the rate of atheism would be tremendously higher.

Answer #13


Answer #14

Epicurus turned to atheism long before either science or Christianity existed, through pure reason alone.

Answer #15

Christians are not a ‘cause’ at all - it’s their personal choice, free will.

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