Anyone know a good scary story?

Haha anyone know a good scary story?

Answer #1

I know a few… theyarent really that scary though

it was a girls fist time staying over night at her house by herself… her mom told her that if she got scared that she should telltheir dog rufy to lick her hand. so she was lieing in her bed trying to go to sleep when she heard a noise downstairs so she put her hand under her bed where rufy sleeps and said rufy lick my hand and rufy licked her hand. so she went downstairs to check what the noise was. she didnt find anything so she went back up stairs. when she laided back back down in her bed the phone rang. so she put her hand under her bed and told rufy to lick her hand… he licked it so she went downstairs to get the phone. she got back up stairs and went into her bed. and then she heard dripping. she put her hand under her bed and told rufy to lick her hand , he licked it. she went downstairs to ckeck to see if the sink was leaking. she came back upstairs to find that nothing downstairs was leaking. so she lied back down. then she remembered the bathroom up stairs, she put her hand under her bed and tolf rufy to lick it, he licked it. so she went to the bathroom to check, she pulled back the shower curtian and there was rufy hanging in the shower his blood dripping down into the drain… drip drip drip. she turned around and in the mirro written in blood it said PEOPLE CAN LICK TOO.

Answer #2

Well I have sorta creepy story that happened to me and my cousins a few years ago.

Okay so me and a few of my cousins and my younger brother were at my house and we used to go back in the woods a lot and play around and stuff. Well one day we decided to take some camping mats and snacks to my neighbors pond which was down a long driveway then through their pasture. Well it was right around sunset and we were all laying out by the pond and eating goldfish and all of a sudden me and my youngest cousin both sat up and looked at each other and were talking about how we were getting a really bad feeling about something. Then way down in the woods we started hearing a really loud banging noise that sounded like it was getting louder and louder so we all got up and started gathering up all of out things and my other cousin shined the flashlight up the hill and was like “OH MY GOD YOU GUYS, SOMETHING IS WATCHING US” and we all looked up the hill and just dropped everything and took off running. We finally got to the house and as soon as we got in we shut the door and just all broke out crying. My mom was freaking out and trying to get us to calm down so we could tell her what happened. So we told her the story and she drove us to the pond to get everything we had left and whatever was on top of the hill was gone. We know it wasn’t a human. It didn’t look like any type of animal. We have no idea what it was. But that was probably the most terrifying things that ever happened to me.

Answer #3

ha ha how rude :D

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