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Any theatre freaks here?
Yesss, I am one. & if you don’t get the title then,it’s probably b/c it’s a theatre thing haha
well, I didn’t act in the two plays,yet.(I’m a freshWOman turning into a sophomore.) most of the theatre kids are stuck up & two-faced.I’m not saying this to sound mean but, most of them can’t even act very well &they’re ignoring me most of the time& I never did shyt to them.they make me feel awkward+uncomfortable even though, I have a passion for acting.do you guys know what to do?please don’t make fun of me.
kids who do theatre/drama in highschool or college. thats the nickname for them .lol
Theatere is awesome I love it! I have been taking it since 9th grade, and I’m going to be a senior next year! One Act Play, and improv, Christmas skits, etc. It’s all fun and plan to go to college for it! Well theatre and literature!
I love theatre :] being on stage is soo much fun doing plays and skits. I’ve taken drama and theatre 9th&10th grade and still going :]
I love improving! haha writing is awesome ! I want to write lots of novels & hopefully they’ll turn out to be good movies &plays!!
I LOVE theatre!! wheater it’s writting/doing (mostly doing) tableuxs, short skits, two hand one act plays, commedia del’ arte, improvised scences…I’M MAD FOR DRAMA!! and I’m a real DRAMA QUEEN =) I’ve taken drama straight from grade 9-11… and I’m still taking it next year!
OMG I totally am one!!
Performing Arts at college in september!
got my taster day tomorrow =D
o yaa
u get a lot of money?
awesommme. how old are u? I want to be an actresss & one day be on broadway.
I m0del
lolll. like whatt do ya do?
I D0NT KN0W I was B0RN 0NE
oh hhaa. howd you do it?
thxz iam already a …
thnx.[[= so are you.
yea well just 75 a day
0h thatz good one day your going to be some one best of luck and keep ya head high
um explain it to me pleaze
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Walking Shadow Theatre Company
Theatre Productions, Performing Arts, Original Productions
Theatre Queen
Entertainment, Arts, Travel
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Theatre, Performing Arts, Entertainment