U.S citizens, what's your opinion on energy prices?

what is your opinion on entergy prices?

Answer #1

I don’t like paying the high prices for gas. But, at least we can buy gas. Back in the 1970s the government tried to “protect” us by limiting how much could be charged for gas. The result was low prices and no gas. Today’s high prices at least encourage us to use it sparingly and thereby ensure that gas stations will have gas when we drive in for a fill up.

The way to bring down prices is to increase the supply of both oil and gasoline. The United States has proven oil reserves that are larger than those in the Middle East but most of the oil is on lands owned by the U.S. government (much of the land in the West is either owned outright by the Federal or state governments or the surface rights are in private hands but the sub-surface mineral rights are still held by the Federal government. The government either forbids the drilling of oil on these lands or severely restricts it.

Further, once the oil is pumped oil out of the ground (from anywhere in the world) it is useless unless it is refined and environmental laws in the U.S. have prevented the building of new oil refineries for the past 30 years. Demand for gasoline has increased but the number of refineries that refine crude oil into gasoline have not increased.

The problem is the politicians not the oil companies.

Answer #2

airnavagator, the problem is the politicians are in the pockets of the oil companies…

We currently consume 25% of the worlds oil. We current produce only 2 percent. Even if we were to double our production (which is not really possible), it would not be impactful on price. We can not drill ourselves out of this problem.

I agree higher prices will cause people to be smarter about consumption, but it amazes me how conservatives had problems with government taxing gas when it was cheap in order to encourage conservation and fund infrastructure and energy technologies, but don’t have a problem now that the higher prices are only going to oil company profits. If we had added a dollar a gallon tax 20 years ago, and invested that money into developing new technologies, we would not be in the situation we are in today.

Answer #3

Current energy prices are the result of a devalued dollar. Devalued dollars are the result of inflation. Inflation is the result of fiat money. Fiat money is the result of our PRIVATELY OWNED FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. Anyone giving more than a passing sh!t can take a look for themselves:


The man in the pic is Ezra Pound. He was adamantly opposed to the U.S.’s involvement in WWII. He discovered that different fronts for the same banking houses were bankrolling both sides of the war. He tried to disseminate this information via radio broadcast in Italy. He was institutionalized by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in lieu of a trial on charges of treason… [one way to keep people from telling their side of the story.] He found a way to tell his story. He employed Eustace Mullins to tell it for him. Eustace gave us his “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” You can find the book in its entirety at the link provided.

Answer #4

ya its pretty rough. luckily I drive a small car and they havn’t really affected me that much. enough, but not enough. but I just don’t know what we’re going to do in a couple years when it just keeps getting worse and worse. its a huge problem thats litterally smacking Americans in the face, but yet the government isn’t doing whats necessary

Answer #5

They suck!!

But what do you expect when you put a couple of oilmen in the whitehouse

Answer #6

Yes, they suck!!! glad I got a scooter and a bike.

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