Im starting high school tomorrow is it really bad?

Im starting high school tomorrow is it really bad?

Answer #1

Im a sophmore and I can tell you that I survived being a freshman lol. The best thing I can tell you is not to be shy :)

Answer #2

nawwh, not really. =] hey, I survived, didnt I? ^_^ im a freshie, too. =] it was a little hard for me, but people were very nice and helped me out. =] dont worry, people dont actually try to dunk you into trash cans!! XD

Answer #3

I started school two days ago and well it’s ok it’s just really big so you might get lost a lot and if you’re short like me you’ll get pushed by accident well dats what I think lol well jsss don’t be scared to make friends I started talking on the 2nd day because the first day I was too shy :) good luck oh and I’m a freshman lol :D

Answer #4

High school is fun (I’m a senior). You’ll meet a lot of new people and you’ll make a lot of new friends. Just don’t be that one kid who never says anything and you’ll be fine when it comes to friends. Careful though because high school (or at least mine) has a lot of people who do drugs. But if you’re not into that kind of stuff then just say no and people usually won’t bother with you about them after that.

Answer #5

It was the best time of my life. Really, I had a lot of fun. You won’t die..I don’t think. ;]

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