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Am I being unrealistic?
I am really into this guy. He’s everything I’ve ever looked for, and I’m picky. Problem is, he lives about 2 hours away, has a girlfriend (who is studying abroad for a few months) and we dont talk very often. I’m really good friends with his sister, we were visiting him recently and she said she thought he was acting like he “thought I was cute.” (I dont think she knows I’m into him). Am I being totally unrealistic or do I have a chance?
really I dont know what to say some times it happens where he leaves his girlfriend for you but youll never know if hes going behind your back I would just say becareful in who you choose dont lay your heart in hand and always expect some one to break it itll hurt less =] hope I helped you in any way your question was a little difficult for me to answer
its kinda sketchy. I think it would be best not to date him. it would be a gaint hassle and a huge stress
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Some debatable questions - 6 Answers
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