Am I an idiot???

I scored a 105 on an online iq test. im 25yrs old. is that good or bad?

Answer #1

Those online IQ tests are never accurate–dont place your appitude in their hands. The true tests are much longer and delivered by professionals, not a website commercial. As the user above–have confidence in yourself! (•=

Answer #2

If you think you are an idiot… you definately are… But if you think you are not… no test can prove you that… be connfident dude!!!

Answer #3

I don’t believe in IQ tests. They don’t always test on things you know. You might not know something they put on the test, and it’s not right to test you on it. I say you know if you’re smart in the real world.

Answer #4

HAHA lol you think your an idiot!!! LOL you just putting that question down makes you an idiot lol Serisouly your not.. those thing messed up dont take them.. beleive in your self!!!

Answer #5

Online IQ test have no purpose OTHER THAN to entertain. It means nothing really.

Answer #6

`Thats quite good but just not accurate I got 121 and I know im not that smart

Answer #7

you cant tell by iq tests but that is just about average

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