What would you ask an alien?

What is the first thing you would ask an alien if they talked to you before anyone else.??

Answer #1


Answer #2

where you come from???

Answer #3

I’ll ask him if he wants to have a drink, then when he’s wasted he’ll tell everything :P

Answer #4

‘Take me to your Leader’ !!

Answer #5

“How do you have sex?” Haha

Answer #6

hahahahahaa I think there was a movie about that lol

Answer #7

My brother said he would want to know if they had women where come from?

Answer #8

hehehe yer play it like you dont want to be one of us lol

Answer #9

How many MPG does that thing get?

Answer #10

Can you get me the hell out of here? These people are CRAZY!!!

Can you help us?? We know not what we do.

Answer #11

Is vanity only a human thing? Where DO you get your hair done… wait, is that hair..?

Answer #12

Are you friendly?

Answer #13

Where do you come from? whats your purpose of living…

and then run away and scream.

Answer #14

I think I would be asking if they make babies like us??

Answer #15

laskjfal;sdkjfe rghtr

Answer #16

Can I visit your home? Do you have a TV? Wait, do you know what a TV is?

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