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Riiight, because the police pull you over for having bad breath…
brushing your teeth would be good and mouthwash, parsley helps
try chewing a clove of garlic :)
Don’t drink Alcohol!!!
these peeps are amatuers!
its disgusting, but… chew on some charcoal, and no one will know youve been drinkning!!! not even the cops!
umm dnt drink strong alcohol
use a mint…bt the only permanent method of stoping it is by …”STOP CONSUMING ALCOHOL!!!
lol… yeah…
stop drinking
how do you get alcohol off your breath - 3 Answers
how do you get alcohol off your breath to not get caught drinking?
Stomach Virus, how to get rid of body aches? - 2 Answers
How can I get rid of the body aches from the stomach virus?
How can I get pregnant if you just got rid of ovarian cysts? - 1 Answers
I am wanting to have kids and I had ovarian cysts for 2 months and then I got rid of them it has been 3 months now am I able ...
how do you get rid of bad breath - 5 Answers
how do you get rid of bad breath because im gonna kiss my girlfriend soon and I want to get my breath to not smell like s**t ...
How to get rid of congestion in the nose? - 1 Answers
I hate the way I breathe and they way I talk I cant stop talking through my nose too.. All these problems :( Help
whats the fastest way to get rid of poison? - 2 Answers
whats the fastest way to get rid of poison?!?!
Getting rid of a cold? - 2 Answers
how do you get rid of a cold with a hedache a sore throat and a stuffy nose with mucus in my throat???
How do you get rid of a cold fast? - 3 Answers
How do you get rid of a cold fast??
Moles how on earth do you get rid of them? - 2 Answers
Weird to ask but how on earth do you get rid of them?
How can I get rid of an ingrown toenail? - 1 Answers
Hi. my name is aj. I have had a ingrown toe nail for awhile.how can I make it go away.
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