Afraid of talking

I am 22 years I am still single. I feel very lonely when ever I go to talk to a girl I cant I am very afraid of talking to them may be dont have confidence can anyone suggest mea good solution for this it a very serious problem

Answer #1

ohhh thats so cute.

just remember that the best girls are always into shy guys (trust me.)

you could try one of those dating websites. I hear is good. :)

good luck. hope you find “her”.♥

Answer #2

well where would you meet a girl? If you see a girl you like, go start a conversation. Remember you’ll be shy amd she might be too but whats the worst that will happen? She doesnt call you? Guys have to deal with the rejection sometimes but if you are kinda cute girls will usually give you a change to take them out once. You just need to learn to not fear messing up cus its GOING to happen. I used to be shy (granted im still in high school) but I’ve learned to be more outgoing by thinking what would they think. And you need to be yourself, you can’t care what they think you of, if you ask the hottest girl out in school and she says no, move on it’ll pass. hope this helps you :)

Answer #3

I have already tried it but it does not work they just say

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