Afraid of God?

If you are a Christian, should you be scared of “God”?

Answer #1

O, I totaly remember asking this question…heh sorry for my confusion. And thanks guys for the answers :)

Answer #2

What the heck?? I didn’t ask this question!

Answer #3

I you learned more about him im sure we wuddnt fear him as much.. im christian also feel the same way. I fear him bc I know what he is capable of; but if we learn more about him im sure we wud all feel better. not saying that you need to learn more thats just 4 me! =)

Answer #4

…fear and respect are nothing alike.

Answer #5

Fearing God means to give our Creator His due: Respect! :)

For example; some people like to bring God down to their level; like they’ll refer to Him as their ‘buddy’ or a ‘homie’ ‘pal’ and such.

This type of talk is degrading to Him because He is our Creator. Even if He will forgive all who sincerely ask Him, and even if He was God in the flesh (Jesus), it does not mean that we should generalize Him and His message.

Love Him and that means to respect Him too

Answer #6

fearing god doesnt mean to be litterally being scared it means that you respect him so much that you never want to displease him have any ohter question just ask me

Answer #7

You shouldn’t be afraid of God, mainly because he doesn’t exist.

But if you do believe in God, and you believe the accounts of the Christian Old Testament, then yes, you should be afraid of God-he is clearly capable of horrific acts.

Answer #8

We may not know who asked it but it is a good question.

No one (should) fears a birthday candle, But everyone (should) fears being inside a towering inferno. When the Bible talks about the fear of God it is talking about your perspective on the size of your God and who is in charge of who. Is He as small as a birthday candle that you are in control of and can snuff out, thus you are can do anything you wish to do. Or is He the size of a towering inferno that you have no control over so you are “very” carful as to were you go and what you do so that you do not get burned up.

Answer #9

ya I am but I try not to b…

Answer #10

lol! Yes, I agree that ‘fear’ of God is a bit of an old translation, but is still valid when you realise it means ‘healthy respect’ rather than ‘abject terror’. A healthy respect of God remembers that He is ‘the Almighty, not the All-matey’. (I got that from a preacher years ago - does it work in American?)

Answer #11

This does not mean a quaking in your boots, kind of fear, what it does mean is a healthy reverance for the things of God.

If so, the word ‘fear’ shouldn’t be used. It only makes the Christian and Jewish God seem impersonal.

Answer #12

The begining of wisdom, is the fear of God.

Psalms 111:10

Proverbs 1:7

Proverbs 9:10

This does not mean a quaking in your boots, kind of fear, what it does mean is a healthy reverance for the things of God.

This is sadly lacking in our culture, and the main reason behind all the immorality that abounds, in the church and out.

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