What are advantages to having a superpower of seeing into the past?

Answer #1

Are you talking about your past? Someone else’s past? or anything in the past?

Answer #2

anything in the past

Answer #3

Learning and not making the same mistakes in the future…

Answer #4

There are a plethora of advantages. You could clear up cases that were never closed because insufficient information. Basically you could know everything that has ever happened. You could teach yourself and how things came to be. You could see past ancestors and other people do things that changed life as we know it. Its like having a superbrain and learning everything about the world. It could inspire you to come with ideas and use terminology of how people lived. Watching things that have never been resolved about our planet or even the universe! Scientist have learned so much from little pieces of information. For example they learned so much from Neanderthals from a set of bones they called Lucy. Imagine if you knew where everything was place in a prehistoric age and help archeologists find treasures and artifacts missing from eras ago.

Answer #5

Getting amazing history scores.

Answer #6

hahaha I was about to put this,

Answer #7

Going back to a memory that you want to relive again. Maybe like a special day. “Or for ex. getting to be with your Grandpa again who has past away”. Or something like that. I think it would be awesome to go back in the past (:

Answer #8

^ Brilliant answer,dude!

Answer #9

Chaylene, do you have that superpower?If you do, then use it! It would be sooo kewl to have a superpower like that!

Answer #10

its for our ELA project :) we had to create a goddess/ god and give it powers :) haha (we’re in the same class)

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