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Yes, but it doesn’t have to be inherited - a child can have ADHD even though the parents (or other families) don’t.
*(or other family MEMBERS)
I thought it was. I’m a little worried because I have adhd that I have since I was little. It’s now adult adhd. I’m worried that my son will have adhd also.
The good thing is that, with all the research that has been done for ADHD, it’s a manageable problem - not like it was years ago.
Okay that makes me not worry so much
6 Members of my family have it,including me. It sucks, messing my life up.
ADHD has a strong genetic component. When a child has ADHD his siblings each have a 25% chance of having the disorder while children who do not have a sibling with ADHD only have a 5% chance. ADHD is observed to run in families. My daughter has ADHD, I have ADHD, and even though he has never been diagnosed I think my dad has ADHD. Everyone has their challenges. ADHD is not all bad. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig Von Beethoven, Steevie Wonder, Winston Churchill, JFK, Agatha Christie, and lots of other pivotal people demonstrated symptoms of ADHD. All of these people had both amazing gifts and daunting challenges but they all prevailed. Imagine how poorer our world would have been if all of these people were “normal.”
It can be. But you can get it without your parents having it.
ya some times
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