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Exercise routines, healthy food recipes, reviews of fitness products, reviews of health food products.
i have the first two but i didn’t think about reviews on products!!! thats a wonderful idea, thank you =3
How do I devolope a new information system for a fitness cent - 2 Answers
How do I devolope a new information system for a fitness center?
Health Clubs/Fitness Centers - 2 Answers
RE: Fitness & Health I'd like to know would you visit my (proposed) health club to come eat chocolate, hang out, (listen to ...
health benefits - 1 Answers
what are the main health benefits of blueberries and artichokes? how do you eat yours?
Staying FIT while pregnant - 2 Answers
What can you do to stay fit while you're pregnant? Diet plan? Workouts?
What fitness program does a rockstar do? - 1 Answers
I just want to ask what king of fitness program does a rock star take. a rock star seem to have a fit body that ladies dig.
How can I become more physically fit? - 2 Answers
I'm not worried about my weight or anything, but I want to become more physically fit. I don't want to tire easily. I want to...
Fitness instructors - 1 Answers
How old do you have to be to become a fitness instructor? Like how old do you have to be to start training for it? Thanks for...
How different (health-wise) is grain bread and white bread? - 1 Answers
I've always been a health and fitness orientated person, but recently I have been eating more white bread than usual. I try t...
What's the best way to get fit again? - 9 Answers
I walk to and from school every day (30min walk) and I have girls sport 3 times a week but i know that's not enough I don't h...
health nut fanatics - 3 Answers
My brother and his wife have gone out of their minds! They buy all kinds of health food at the health food stores. Okay, I ...
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