how much for an abortion?

how much for an abortion?

Answer #1

a lot

Answer #2

Excuse me, but she didn’t actually admit that she was getting an abortion - she only asked what the cost was.

Try to stick to the actual question please people.

Answer #3

Shut up guys, you dont know the details, and the decision is up to her! It depends on where you live, how far you are into the pregnancy and what currency :) Im sure you could talk to a doctor about it.

Best of luck!

Answer #4

It varies, depending on where you are.

It’s covered by OHIP here, so the procedure is free.

I’ve heard some places charge about $300, but I don’t know if that’s accurate.

Answer #5

omg shut the hell up! Maybe she cant afford to raise the baby or got raped.

like seriously…

it’s free in the UK.

Answer #6

ok, no one listen to the complete idiot who just said free if you get punched in the stomatch. that is one of the most dangerouse things you can do. and its not the right way to get rid of a baby. ohnestly anyone who actually thinks thats a good way needs to learn more about a little thing called a brain, and needs to stop giving people such stupid advice. im deleting sparkinlarkin’s advice a few comments above because it is dangerouse and just a plain disgusting thing to tell a young girl to do

Answer #7

yup, cost is between $300-500

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