50 questions

Okay… So I’ve made up 2 fun questions/suveys in the past… And people have told me to make better/longer ones… So if you’re bored…here it is =) enjoy!

  1. What are you thinking right now?

  2. What about now?

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?

  5. What would you do with a brick?

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?

  8. What kind or animal would you be?

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!)

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?

  7. What is your greatest fear?

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?

  13. Why are you doing this survey?

  14. Have you ever flown

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have)

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long?

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California?

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you?

44.)Have you ever flown?

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula?

46.)Can you climb a tree?

47.) if so how many have you climbed?

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now?

49.) Whats your favorite Color

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window?

Answer #1
  1. What are you thinking right now? MY BOYFRIEND

  2. What about now?WHY I WROTE MY BOYFRIEND

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? YES

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? YES

  5. What would you do with a brick? GIVE TO MY PARTNER AS A PRESENT LOL

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? HOT

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? BANANA

  8. What kind or animal would you be?BIRD.. I WOULD LOVE TO FLY

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? CHEAK OUT HOW BIG MY DIICK IS THEN ID ASK FOR A HEAD JOB LOL

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? YES

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol I USE TO AND SOMETIMES I DO

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? THEY CAN THEY’LL BE CALLED GAY OR TRANSEXUALS

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? SOMETIMES

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? NO

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? YES

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? YES

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? SEX AT A PUBLIC PLACE

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?OMG TO MANY TOO COUNT OVER 20 FOR SURE

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? SUMMER CAUSE I CAN GET A TAN

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? AT THE MOMENT THESE SHOES THEY SO HOT AND COOL IM INLOVE WITH THEM

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? NEVER,THATS MY MUMS JOB

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) MY BROTHER

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) PJZ

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? MY BROTHER LOL HES SO ANNOYING

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? NO

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? MY WORK PHONE

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? YES AND YES I COULDNT FINISH IT LOL

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10 WHEN IM BY MYSELF


  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? DOUBLE ME LOL ONE AT HOME SLEEPING AND REAL ME GOING OUT ALL NIGHT

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? MODEL LOL NOPE

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I AM 18 AND I WOULD LIKE TO STAY 18 FOREVER, GOT A LICENCE MY OWN CAR, ALLOWED TO GOOUT HAVE A BOYFRIEND LIFES PRETTY MUCH PERFECT

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? CHEESE AND BACON WITH BBQ SAUCE

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? FOR ICECREAM

  13. Why are you doing this survey? IM BORD

  14. Have you ever flown IN MY DREAMS

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? NOPE I DIDNT NOTICE AND I DONT REALLY CARE TO BE HONEST WITH YOU LOL

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?YEA IT KILLS TIME AND IF YOUR BORD YEA WHY NOT!!

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) YEA I HAVE LOL

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? EVERYWHERE ID TAKE MY PARTNER EVERYWHERE AND I’LL STAY OUT FOR AS LONG AS I CAN

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? NOPE

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? YES MY MR PINKY, HES A BUNNY AND IM 18

44.)Have you ever flown? NO

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? NO

46.)Can you climb a tree?YEA LOL

47.) if so how many have you climbed? LIKE 4

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? HEELS LOL THERE NEW AND IM JUST GETTING USE TO THEM

49.) Whats your favorite Color RED AND YELLOW

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? YEAH I HAVE ACTUALLY

Answer #2

What are you thinking right now? cody

  1. What about now? cody

  2. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes

  3. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? sometimes

  4. What would you do with a brick? bury it

  5. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? I cant sleep with either so…

  6. What kind of fruit would you be? cranberry

  7. What kind or animal would you be? dog

  8. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? scream

  9. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes

  10. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes I have and sometimes I still do

  11. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? I figured it was nature

  12. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? sometimes

  13. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yes

  14. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? no

  15. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes

  16. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I cant say.

  17. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I cant say that one either

  18. What’s your favorite season? Why? winter lots of hugs

  19. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? snowy weather with little light but perfect view

  20. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dont remember so ya I know it does

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) super loud people that dont shut up when its appropriate

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) comfys

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yes.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? certain people talking

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes, and a little

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? depends on what it is and where and when and who im with

  7. What is your greatest fear? being alone

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? flying to get away from this place.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wasnted to be an actress now I want to be a teacher

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? when I was 4 because I liked where I lived.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? peanut utter, butter, and bananna sandwhich

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  13. Why are you doing this survey? im tired but thought it would be wird

  14. Have you ever flown yes

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no I didnt and because your superstitious

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? its okay and I dont really care either way

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley?
    (it’s alright if you have) yes a lot of times

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? far far away and as long as possible

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Florida/Disney Land in California? not in florida yes in california

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? yes and thats for me to know

44.)Have you ever flown? yes

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? I think so

46.)Can you climb a tree? depends on how branchy and stable it is

47.) if so how many have you climbed?

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? none

49.) Whats your favorite Color black

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? not really

Answer #3
  1. What are you thinking right now? wheres my phone charger?
  2. What about now? the song I’m listening too
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeahhh
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? I sing to anything I know the words to, alone or not ;)
  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? its worse to be hot
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? a coconut
  8. What kind or animal would you be? a lemur
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? scream
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yeahh
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yeahh, no
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? no, but I have a different word for tomboys-dikes
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? I don’t know I probably do
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yess, I’m always tapping my fingers
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? YEAH!
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? lots of things
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? 342947356430988543906745
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? summer, no school DUH!
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a shooting star!
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I don’t know my mom does that, probably 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) that I’m out of ciggarettes
  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) a tank top and shorts
  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? I’d do much more than slap them
  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no
  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? microwaves beeping
  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes-yes
  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 8
  28. What is your greatest fear? dying young
  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? fly, to go places
  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? what I called a “superteacher” who was always nice and wore a cape, lmfao so embarassing, now I wanna be a bartender
  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I’d rather go into the future
  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? oreos and peanut butter
  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no I just had a popsicle
  34. Why are you doing this survey? I cant sleep
  35. Have you ever flown mhmm
  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? yeah, to mess with people
  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yeah, go ahead
  38. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) yess 41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? NYC, for months 42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? both 43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? yess, I’m 15 lol 44.)Have you ever flown? yesss… 45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? yeah, it was gross 46.)Can you climb a tree? mhmm 47.) if so how many have you climbed? 34289425 48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? socks 49.) Whats your favorite Color yellow The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? yeah
Answer #4
  1. What are you thinking right now? MM..I’M THINKING OF AN ANSWER? LOL

  2. What about now? SAME THING…

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? UM NO?

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? YEAH ALL THE TIME =)

  5. What would you do with a brick? THROW IT

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? HOT FOR SURE

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? THE KIND THAT NO ONE EATS

  8. What kind or animal would you be? WHITE TIGER

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? SCREAM?

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? NO

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol IT’S MORE LIKE UNDER MY BED KINDA THING

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? YEAH, IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE?! LOL

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? UMM… LIKE SOMETIMES =)

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? NOT REALLY

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? YEAH, I SOUND SO LITTLE

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? LOL YEAH

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? EHH I CAN’T THINK RIGHT NOW

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? LET’S KEEP THAT TO OURSELVES, SHALL WE?

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? WINTER BECAUSE IT’S COLD =)

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? A BABY BEING BORN <3

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? LIKE A MONTH AGO WHEN I PAINTED BEHIND IT

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) WHEN PEOPLE ROLL THEIR EYES

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) SHORTS AND A TANK =)

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? NAH… WELL YEAH ONE PERSON

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? NO THERE’S NOTHING TO LOOK AT

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? MY ALARM

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? YEAH I WATCHED 1408 THE OTHER DAY AT 12AM… ALONE =) ITS JUST CREEPY

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 2

  7. What is your greatest fear? DEATH, SPIDERS, LOSING PEOPLE I LOVE

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I WANT TO TALK TO ANIMALS

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? A TEACHER… NOW I’M DOING DAY CARE

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 9TH GRADE, THEN 16 YEARS… BEST TIMES OF MY LIFE!!!

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? FRENCH FRIES WITH KETCHUP… JK

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? NAH

  13. Why are you doing this survey? EH NOTHING TO DO..

  14. Have you ever flown NOPE

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? NO I DIDNT LOL

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? GO FOR IT

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) YEAH I DO THAT EVERY NOW AND THEN

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? ANYWHERE AND FOREVER

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? DISNEY LAND IN CALI… AND I’LL NEVER GO BACK!!!

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? NOPE AND I’M 19

44.)Have you ever flown? NOPE, YOU ASKED THAT ALREADY

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? YES AND I FUDGIN HATE THOSE THINGS WITH A PASSION

46.)Can you climb a tree? SURE!

47.) if so how many have you climbed? 27

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? NONE =)

49.) Whats your favorite Color BLUE AND BLACK

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? EHH NO

Answer #5
  1. What are you thinking right now? what should I answer for this

  2. What about now? should I sit down or stay standing

  3. For a million or wait better yet billion bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? sure

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? in the car never in the shower

  5. What would you do with a brick? build a house or smash it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? PEACH!

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Monkey

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? wake up with hair in my face and then be like “uhmmm…?” then look down, see my boobs then I’d be like “WOA!” and obviously as a dude I’d feel them =]

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? nah

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still? taha Never and no

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy”) but guys can’t wear girl clothes without them being called gay/ghey? You know I did think that when I first heard the term Tom-Boy in my 3rd grade class

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? nah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? nope

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? taha yea actually it’s always quite surprising when you hear your own voice

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? nah…I’ve always accepted myself

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? went parasailing off of the statue of Liberty (I’m only kidding of course) probabley scubadiving in the Carribean if that

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? none =D I’mma good boy!

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Spring because LIFE! is being re-born

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I know this is kinda childish to say but it was the first thing that came to mind ok…a few years ago my family and I went to california and I remember seing a monsterously HUGE! Swedish Fish candy

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never no

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) my foot I gotta move… there we go

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) well…cool pause yea I’mmuh…wearin a thong and only a thong just messin withyah a Volcom hoodie with a grey longsleeve thermal with blue Bullhead jeans and slip-on’s (the classics)

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? DEFFINATELY!!!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? I wouldn’t call it spying just looking out my window at the wrong time

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? none really

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? no I don’t like scarey movies

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? horror movie=10 scarey movie=9 frightening film=8 something realistic =7 Drama=2 Comedy =1

  7. What is your greatest fear? Spiders

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? probably to fly or be like spider man

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? when I was little I wanted to be a History teacher now I want to be a child Phsyc/therapist

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Probably 7th grade to tell myself about how I was misplaced in math and put in advanced because of my crazy 6th grade teacher.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Crackers with chips and cheese

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nah

  13. Why are you doing this survey? bored why else

  14. Have you ever flown?, if so where? Yea, Well…let me see…I’ve been just about every where except anywhere in europe

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Yes (I noticed when I was copying this survey lol because 13 is an unlucky #

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? Yes, deffinatley

  17. I know this is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) sort of 41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? everywhere first Egypt then Italy 42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California?( if so how many times) Yes both about 7 or 8 times to Disney World and but only once to Disney land 43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? Yes only one though I am 17 and proud of it 44.)Have you ever flown? yes 45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? yes ew 46.)Can you climb a tree? yup 47.) if so how many have you climbed? meh lemme see…about 20 or 30 48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? Still Vans Slip-on’s 49.) Whats your favorite Color Green The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? uhm…no?

Answer #6
  1. What are you thinking right now? Thinking about what answer to give this Q
  2. What about now? Im thinking that I dont wanna go to bed, cause its only 5 to 12 at night and I cant be asked going to bed
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Yerr obviously only I would call 999 cause I live in the uk
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Noo :L
  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it at someone I hate then run :L
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? Cold. Cause you cant get to sleep when your cold
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Strawverry cause there sweet :)
  8. What kind or animal would you be? A cat cause their lazy
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Scream and never leave the house
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? No unless im sleeping out
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol I did I dont now :L
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? No not really im glad girls can wear more..More the better :P
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? Yeah I cant help it
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Yeah I tap my pen all the time
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yeah I do it all the time :L:L
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yeah I think eerr im ugly :S:L
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I cant remember I’ve done a few
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? Stolen something buh I was 8 so you cant blame me I was young
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer its hot and I wear better clothes then cause there light and breezy
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I have absolutly no idea I cant remember all the cool things :S
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Yeah it needs sweeping buh im a teenager I cant be asked thats my parents job 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When teachers randomly stop you to take of your makeup when their plastered in it
  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) A white top and jeans. And obviously underwear
  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Yeah I would definatly do it and I know exactly who to :L:L
  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Yeah oopps
  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? My hamster on its wheel when im trying to go to sleep
  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? No I havnt when I was alone
  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? While watching a film..Um..8
  28. What is your greatest fear? Im chlostrophobic
  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? To fly.. It sounds really cool and plus im lazy
  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be an artist now I have no idea
  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Now cause I like who I am love my family and friends how they are and I just love being me.. I dont love myself I mean like my life is perfect for me
  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? I like to have crisps and cake and bread not really wierd ahhwell
  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Yeah :L
  34. Why are you doing this survey? Cause im bored
  35. Have you ever flown Wa?
  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I dont know maybe cause you cant count :L
  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? Yeah it makes me unbored and plus its stoping me from going to bed
  38. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) Yeah I always want to but its wierd to do so 41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? I would go to disney land! I’ve never been and I would fly as long as it takes to get there and back!! DUHH 42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? Nope I just sed above 43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? Yes I do and im 13!! Buh I love this bear it was off my nan and its cute dont laugh alright 44.)Have you ever flown? You asked that? 45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? Yeah and held one 46.)Can you climb a tree? Yeah :S most people can 47.) if so how many have you climbed? Loadsss 48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? None im bare footed 49.) Whats your favorite Color PINKK!! The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? Yeah and I would want it to fly backwards and land in someones face who is looking out their window it would be a greeat laugh :L:L
Answer #7
  1. What are you thinking right now? my beautiful girlfriend

  2. What about now? same thing

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? hell ya

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? old as in like 2 years then maybe if I liked them

  5. What would you do with a brick? try and break it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? cherry

  8. What kind or animal would you be? gorrilla

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? masturbate like crazy XD lol

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? nope

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol no wow never

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call tomboy but guys can’t wear girl clothes? nope

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say ummm or like in sentences? never

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? nope I love reptiles

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? nope

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? no

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? mountian biked on crazy hard rocks

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? none YET lol

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? winter because I love snowbording

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? not sure a lot of things

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) retarted people

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) jeans shirt and underwear

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? hell ya

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? why im not a stalker

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? nothing

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? no it was saw 5 scary nmovie but I dont get scared eaisly

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 1

  7. What is your greatest fear? not sure

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? pausing time for thinking I guess?

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? a scientist now want to be a milatary tech inventor

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 6 th grade because its mutch eaisier than high school

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?ewww

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  13. Why are you doing this survey? ?I don’t know?

  14. Have you ever flown yep

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I love 13 people say its a scary number but I love it

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? kind of

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) no

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? in a plane nowhere like superman I would fly eveywhere

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? nope

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? no

44.)Have you ever flown? yes you asked this 2x

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? I have one

46.)Can you climb a tree? yep

47.) if so how many have you climbed? so many cant count

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? nike

49.) Whats your favorite Color? gold

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? no I never get car sick

Answer #8
  1. What are you thinking right now?dang he really like me

  2. What about now?people

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?yea and give a fake address

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?yeah

  5. What would you do with a brick?nothin..got hit wit 1 when I was 7

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be?strawberry

  8. What kind or animal would you be?monkey

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do?have “fun”..lol

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?a couple times

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol…yeah and sumtimes…

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes?now I have

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences?yeah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?yeah

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s?yeeah

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?yeah

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?played booty tag

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?I used to steal things

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?Winter because of Christmas

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I don’t know

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there?I don’t know mii mama do that

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) fake tricks

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) sum blue tight skiiny jeans wit a black baby phat shirt

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?Hell Yeah..!!!

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?ummm…noo

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?farts

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared?hellyeah

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?10

  7. What is your greatest fear?death

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for?to read and control minds and yu don’t wanna know

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?A Singer/Actress or

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?I don’t know

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?cheese aND cOOKIESZ

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry?no

  13. Why are you doing this survey?im bored and have no life

  14. Have you ever flown:huh??

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is?no and I don’t know

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one?kinda and yea

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley?yeah (it’s alright if you have)

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long?I don’t know

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? no 43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? yEAH AND pROUD oF iT 44.)Have you ever flown?No

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula?HIH???

46.)Can you climb a tree?I don’t know

47.) if so how many have you climbed?nO

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now?nONE

49.) Whats your favorite Color pINK

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window?iDID oNCE aCTUALLY..!!

Answer #9
  1. What are you thinking right now? charlie

  2. What about now? charlie =]

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? all the time

  5. What would you do with a brick? I would throw it at someone

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? being hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? apple

  8. What kind or animal would you be? panda

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? I would go get a bj

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yes

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol yes…sometimes

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? they can…my friend keeton does…but then again..he is gay

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? lol sometimes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yes I bite down and my teeth make loud noises

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? lol ye! me and kaitlyn dd that

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yesss

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?hm..I dunno..lol

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with?none

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? summer…softball!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? ice

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? ew I don’t want to know whats under that

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) the word ‘meat’

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) damn!

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yesss

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? lol no.they are weird

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? a doorbell

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes! and oh my yes!

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? like a 8 or 9

  7. What is your greatest fear? being buried alive

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? turn invisible..spy on people and freak them out

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? teacher…pole dancer..jk..I dunno

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 3rd..I loved that year

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? mashed potatoes and corn!!!

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I’m bored

  14. Have you ever flown no

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? there wasnt???

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? no..but yes

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley?
    (it’s alright if you have) ol I have..and I do..all the time

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? europe…forever

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? nope

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? nope

44.)Have you ever flown? NO!

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? I have one

46.)Can you climb a tree? yes

47.) if so how many have you climbed? a bunch!

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? im not

49.) Whats your favorite Color green

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? no…

Answer #10
  1. What are you thinking right now? the same thing I have been thinking about all day

  2. What about now? the same thing

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeah

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? no

  5. What would you do with a brick? throw it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? a melon

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a horse

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? laugh

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? yeah

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still? I used to

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? no

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? yeah

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? no

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeah

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done?dunno

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? lots

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why?winter I dunno why

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? paramore live

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never done it

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? some tv comercial

  1. What are you wearing right now? jeans and a hoodie

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yeah

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? yeah

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? dunno

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yeah

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 10

  7. What is your greatest fear? dieing alone

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? I would want to be able to snap my fingers and be anywhere

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a singer

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I like the age I am now

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? dunno

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  13. Why are you doing this survey? waiting for a movie to buffer

  14. Have you ever flown yeah

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? dont care

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? it was alright

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? no (it’s alright if you have)

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long?I would to to toronto and would stay there

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California?no

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? I still do

44.)Have you ever flown? you already asked that

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? yeah

46.)Can you climb a tree? yeah

47.) if so how many have you climbed? dunno

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? none

49.) Whats your favorite Color orange

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? yeah

Answer #11
  1. What are you thinking right now? food

  2. What about now? still food

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yeah cause I could bail myself out with some of it :)

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? I dont care if im alone or not, ill do it anyway.

  5. What would you do with a brick? sing a song about it.

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? a grape

  8. What kind or animal would you be? a pugg

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? call the hospital and tell them I need mental help.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? no?

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still? yes and no.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? they can, but they’ll be called “queer” =]

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? whats that suppose to mean ? “one of those people..” but um yeah like umm I do.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? yupp. I say stupid words to bug my brother.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? no.

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yeah.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I dont knoww? climbed a really high tree.. ifell out though and wasnt hurt for some odd reason.. I was shocked though. I dont frickin know what else.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? like 5?

  19. What’s your favorite season? SUMMER! tanning, no school, parties, happiness.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? myself.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I have never swept under there and I cant because my floor is 100% carpeted and the fridge is plaaced directly on the floor..

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) my friend biancaa ; thinking shes right about everything lol. when really shes slow as hell.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) black pants, white and grey undies, green pink & white bra, white tshirt, blue tshirt over top.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? hell fackin yeah. id do it extremely hard too.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? no?

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? my little brother making my door creek in the morning by jumping up and down

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes, and yes.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? I’ve been probably 7. enough to paralize my whole bodyy where I cnt move at all.

  7. What is your greatest fear? I don’t want to talk about it? duhh.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? the same power that hancock hass on the movie :) I’de stop war.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a chef.. now I dont know.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? this isnt going backk but id chose grade 12, 17. because im suppose to be in grade 12 right now but im in 11 and I have 11 credits! sooo, if I were in grade 12 id feel better. if I had to go back id say to second semester grade nine where I started slacking liek crazy and failing.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? eww! thats fackin gross. I like to dip dill pickles in mashed potatos and take bites of steak and chew em all together in my mouth lol. yummy.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? I was already hungry.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? cause im bored!

  14. Have you ever flown? no and I wont.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no I didnt and I dont know or care. you probs asked a stupid question and removed it? or you just wanted to make this question?

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? kinda yeah , and sure.

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) yes, and I have.

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? id go to columbia to feed children and meet my sponsored child.. for a month?

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? nope

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? yes I do and I’m 17.

44.)Have you ever flown? I said NO and I WONT. 45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? yeah.

46.)Can you climb a tree? yupp I havent for a few years tho :(

47.) if so how many have you climbed? atleast 30.

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? none

49.) Whats your favorite Color? blue & grey.

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? yess, but I held it inn.. I’ve puked out of a non moving car window tho.

Answer #12
  1. What are you thinking right now?what I am going to do this weekend

  2. What about now? thinking about something my friend said

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes.

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? of course.

  5. What would you do with a brick? try and write on it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? a pear, shape and taste

  8. What kind or animal would you be? id want to be a cat

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? look, and then faint.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? a couple of times.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol… im not quite afraid of monsters, maybe something else. never the bed thing and I dont have a closet.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? well, we were treated like crap for centuries, damn right we shud be able to wear whatever want. and plus, men are supposed to be all macho (stereotypically) and women now have more freedom, I guess its just one of those things you cant explain.

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? yes.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?not at the moment.

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yes!

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yes.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I cant single one certain thing out.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? a few.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? summer, because everything is prettier, warmer, more freedom, you can wear what you want, and you can go outside more.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? a sundae constructed entirely out of jellybeans. it was bigger than an apartment building.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I dont sweep under there, but it probably does need sweeping.

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) people who slurp their food and have it all over their faces.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) pajamas

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yes, and then I would hit them again. then I would feel bad.

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? its a possibility

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? an alarm clock going off

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes, and I had nightmares.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? probably a 8 or 9

  7. What is your greatest fear? bugs.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? invincibitly. I would use it to help people, and prevent destructive events.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? little: doctor. Now: Writer.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I woudnt go back to any age or grade, maybe when I am old and want to relive my life. but if I had to, id say maybe four.

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? I cannot remember at the moment. I like to put pepper and spices on just about everything.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no, I just ate

  13. Why are you doing this survey? cause I feel like it I guess. I shud be doing homework

  14. Have you ever flown? nope.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? cause you wanted to play mind games.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yep

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) yes, and it was because there was all this anger pressured up

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? Italy. Forever.

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? not yet

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? sometimes. 14.

44.)Have you ever flown? screw that, I said no.

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? I cant remember. I think so.

46.)Can you climb a tree? I can try

47.) if so how many have you climbed? I don’t know

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? socks.

49.) Whats your favorite Color. blue

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? no, I can read, and do just about anything in a car and not freak. but I can get freaked out easily if the car starts moving, or swerving or anything like that.

Answer #13
  1. What are you thinking right now? I <3 N.K

  2. What about now? I <3 Dead Mile

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Yes

  5. What would you do with a brick? Throw it

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? hot

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? Lemon.

  8. What kind or animal would you be? Dear

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Sike. lol dunno really

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? all the time

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Yeah still do!

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? all the time

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? yep

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? I make cat noises & scream a lot. or I tilt my head back & howel

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yep

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? yesss

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? haa I went down my brothers slide on a tray yesterday… I’m sure there are some other stuff, I just can’t think

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? I smoke pot

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Winter, WINTER SOLSTICE!!

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Winter Solstice or Egypt

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? What?

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When , fingers go all weird & I can’t play stuff on the bass any sence & when I fall down the stairs & when I say to myself ‘’from this day forward I won’t be scared of cats!’’ & then I see a cat & panic. EMOS! Stupid people who don’t listen to my opinion or rants…

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Aussie Pink Floyd T-shirt, blue jeans

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? yes

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? don’t be silly…!

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? traffic, birds, my sisters voice, my brothers voice, my mothers voice…

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yes & yes

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 50

  7. What is your greatest fear? cats.

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? be invisible & I’d hide from everyone

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? can’t remember & I dunno

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? I like how I am now thanks

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? cheese & jam on toast

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? no

  13. Why are you doing this survey? I can’t remember

  14. Have you ever flown? yep

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? I didn’t & so the next question could be something like, did you go back to look for question 13 which I didn’t do.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? yes & yes

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? Yep. But when I feel like that I just go ahead & do it. (it’s alright if you have)

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? dunno

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? fu ck no

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? no

44.)Have you ever flown? yes

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? no

46.)Can you climb a tree? yes

47.) if so how many have you climbed? a lot

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? there made of skin, the bottoms are like leather & they’re covered in dirt

49.) Whats your favorite Color PURPLE or lellow

Answer #14
  1. What are you thinking right now? nothing

  2. What about now? still nothing

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? yes

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone?yeh all the time

  5. What would you do with a brick?smash it over my brothers head

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? being cold

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? pineapple

  8. What kind or animal would you be? wolf

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? have no idea prob scream for a bit

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? nope

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol I did when I was like 8 but not now

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? yeh

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? yeh sometimes

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?nope

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? yeh

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? nope

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? dunno lol

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? a couple

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? autumn when the leaves falling of the trees itz realii pretty lol

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? dunno

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? never my mum does itl ol

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)ok itz not random but when my brother sings all the time

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) underwear

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? nope

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? nope

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves?when someone bites in2 an apple lol

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? yeh lol

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get?7-8

  7. What is your greatest fear?being buried alive

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? too read peoples minds

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now?actress or a model and I still want 2 be an actress

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why?dunno

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)?mayo and marmite sandwich

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? nope

  13. Why are you doing this survey?get bored

  14. Have you ever flown? yep

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? no I didnt till now and I have no idea

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? its alright and mayb

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have)yeah

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long?japan for about 2 months

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California?yeah

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? no their under my bed lol and im 17

44.)Have you ever flown?yeh I swear I ve alredy answered this 1

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula?yeah my m8s brother chased me with 2 in his hands

46.)Can you climb a tree?yep

47.) if so how many have you climbed? a few

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? none

49.) Whats your favorite Color? it changes every day

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window?no thats gross

Answer #15
  1. What are you thinking right now? Music.

  2. What about now? The text I just got.

  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Sure!

  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? I DO! Lmao.

  5. What would you do with a brick? KILL SOMEONE!! Muahhaha!

  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? OMG!! Hot, I hate being hot when I sleep.

  7. What kind of fruit would you be? I don’t wanna be a fruit!

  8. What kind or animal would you be? I don’t wanna be an animal!

  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? I’d scream for joy, because it’d be much easier. Then I’d go be a guy.

  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Nope.

  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Yes and no.

  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? Nope..

  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? Far too much.

  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Yeah, lmao. I do this thing where I go “aii” like in a deep voice. It’s really fun :D

  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yep.

  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yeah. Ew.

  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? Mm, lemme get back to you on that.

  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? A few.

  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Autumn, it’s sexy.

  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? Mmm, SHAMU! Lmao.

  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? Never, yes!

23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) Uhmm, this sounds dumb but I hate when people eat hard candies and you can hear them crunching, or when guys use ziplock bags, that’s stupid, I know lmao.

  1. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Speedo and combat boots.

  2. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Yuuus! :D

  3. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? Yup.

  4. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? When people chew!

  5. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yup, and not reallly.

  6. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? During scary movies, rarely… maybe a 3.

  7. What is your greatest fear? Clowns and other stuff…

  8. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Reading peoples minds, to see how people really felt.

  9. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? I wanted to be a doctor, and now I don’t know.

  10. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? Still this year, I don’t wanna go back!

  11. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Fries with milkshakes, but that’s not weird.

  12. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? Nope.

  13. Why are you doing this survey? BORED!

  14. Have you ever flown Yesss.

  15. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Nope. I don’t care.

  16. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? Yeah actually, and yes you should!

  17. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? (it’s alright if you have) Yes. Especially today.

41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? Romania, forever.

42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? Yep, Disneyland, sooo much fun!

43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? They’re in my bed, I’m 14.

44.)Have you ever flown? STOP ASKING THIS! :3 lol Yes

45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? Yup.

46.)Can you climb a tree? Hell no.

47.) if so how many have you climbed? I USED to be able to. Like 14893252389.

48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? Converse.

49.) Whats your favorite Color Purple or Orange.

The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? Yesss.

Answer #16
  1. What are you thinking right now? COFFEE
  2. What about now? COFFEE
  3. For a million bucks would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens? Sure!
  4. Do you still sing to old songs when you’re in the shower or in the car alone? Car. not shower. EVER
  5. What would you do with a brick? Hit Sidney and my brother 1,000,003 times
  6. Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep? cold
  7. What kind of fruit would you be? the one that hides so no one eats it?
  8. What kind or animal would you be? TIGER
  9. If you wake up the next mornig and found out you were the oppsite sex, what would you do? Finally not get made fun of for being a tomboy cuz i am a boy?
  10. Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else? Yes
  11. Did you ever believe that there was a monster in your closet/under your bed?… Do you still?… Lol. No. XD
  12. Have you ever wondered why girls can wear guy clothes (and be call “tomboy” but guys can’t wear girl clothes? No, because guys can wear girls jeans. 13? WHY NO 13????
  13. Are you one of thoese people that say “ummm” or “like” in sentences? Like, now ummm i am, XD Just kidding no.
  14. Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy? Yes. I play “drums” with my pens/ fingers.
  15. Have you ever recorded you voice, then played it back and was shocked to hear a voice that dosen’t sound like your’s? Yes. Many times.
  16. Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that? Yep
  17. What’s the most daredevil-ish thing you’ve ever done? I don’t know.
  18. How many illegal things have you done and gotten away with? is sitting in the front seat of a parked car pulling my dads key out when he almost forgot it illegal? No? None.
  19. What’s your favorite season? Why? Summer because i don’t have school
  20. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever seen? I don’t know.
  21. When was the last time you swept up under your refrigerator?… Do you think it needs sweeping under there? I don’t know. I just got a new fridge so… NO. 23.what is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz) When teachers yell at you for having gum… then pop a piece in their mouth
  22. What are you wearing right now? (it better not be nothing!) Tank top. Jeans. Socks. Underwear. Skin.
  23. If you could walk up and slap/smack someone you really couldn’t stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it? Hell Yeah!
  24. Have you ever spied on your neighbors? No.
  25. What common, everyday sound gets on your nerves? When someone knocks on the door every 4 seconds until you answer
  26. Have you ever watched a scary movie at home alone in the dark?… Did you get scared? Yes. No.
  27. Out of a scale of 1-10 how scared do you get? 0 XD
  28. What is your greatest fear? Being buried alive, never dying, spontaneous combustion, or being pushed off Mauna Kea/ Everest. And I mean THE TOP.
  29. If you can have any kind of super power, what would it be?… What would you use it for? Flying. To get places XD
  30. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be now/what are you now? Doctor. I don’t know.
  31. If you can go back in time to an age/grade, what age/grade would it be? Why? 3. no skwl. no problemos LIVED IN AWESOME PLACE.
  32. What’s you favorite weird mixture of food (ex. Mac and cheese with ketchup and bacon bits!!.. Yummy!)? Potatoes with melted cheese on top and bacon bits or peanut butter and mayo sandwich ( CANT DECIDE!)
  33. All of a sudden do you feel hungry? No. I’m never hungry after i have coffee
  34. Why are you doing this survey? BOREDOM
  35. Have you ever flown? Yeah. We weren’t going to drive from NY to Cali when we moved
  36. Did you notice there was no question 13?… Why do you think that is? Yes. Cuz u wanted 2 c if anyone noticed
  37. Did you find this survey fun? And should I make another one? No. and Yes
  38. I know #37 is quite random just BAM! right outta the clear blue sky but have you ever felt a sudden urge to just let loose and scream/wail loudley? Yes (it’s alright if you have) 41.)If you could fly where would you go/for how long? Italy FOREVER 42.)have you ever been to Disney World in Floida/Disney Land in California? No 43.)do you still sleep with stuffed animals if so what age are you? NO 44.)Have you ever flown? Yes 45.)have you ever seen a live Trarantula? Yeah. My mom wouldn’t let me keep it :( 46.)Can you climb a tree? Yes 47.) if so how many have you climbed? Countless XD if i see a tree i go back and climb it usually 48.)What kind of shoes are you wearing now? Socks? 49.) Whats your favorite Color? Blue The last and FINAL question #50.) have you ever just wanted to puke out of a moving cars window? O.o no.
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