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2 Guys In Love With Me- I Don't Know What To Do!
my best friend Charlie is in love with me and keeps telling me we’ll be together one day, he keeps trying to kiss me and always telling me how much he loves me, I just want to be friends but everytime I tell him, he gets upset! Also my friend Liam has just started falling for me, hes inviting me round a lot and asking me to sleep with him- he also keeps flirting with me deliberatly in front of Charlie!! I just want to be friends with both of them- dont tell me 2 tell them that because I have!! Aaah what shall I do!? x
charlie realy loves you,the other guy just wants sex hes a jerk don’t go there xxx
Last night, I went out with Charlie (V. Day) and it was really nice we just sat with eachother for hours watching the world go by, but I just don’t want a relationship with him- last night he asked me out again twice and proposed to me! Help!
ok you know best..always go with your insticts!tell him nicely that he means a lot to you but that you just want to b friends.just because theres two guys in your life that realy like you doesnt mean you have 2 b in a relationship with either of them,mayb the right guy hasnt come along yet?because I tink if you were realy in love with either of them youd kinda know by now and wudnt b so confused.mayb just stay friends with both of them but move on?theres no point in ending up with a guy you dont realy love,your worth more than that!good luck!xxx
charlie realy loves you,the other guy just wants sex hes a jerk don’t go there xxx
Liam only wants to sleep with you, NOT date you! Any boy that asks a girl for sex when they arent in a commited relationship is a disrespectful jerk who only wants to use her.
If you’ve already told them you only want to be friends, then maybe you need to start ignoring, see it that’ll get through to them!
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