Has anyone on this site overcome an eating disorder?

Answer #1

Ya but I don’t like to talk about it… As dumb as that may sound but I don’t like seeing status updates about it either I guess just bad memories you know..

Answer #2

Rose, there’s something important that you may be able to learn from Sodagirl’s answer even though she didn’t say it. One way that many people now think about eating disorders is as a form of addictive behavior - rather like addictive gambIing, for example. One feature of addictions, whether to behaviors or substances, is that people who are afflicted by them can learn how to break their hold and get “sober,” but most of them are never completely rid of the urge to return to the behavior under stress or in circumstances similar to their previous indulgence. That means that one is never finished overcoming the addiction, and must remain attentive every single day of one’s life to staying on the path of recovery. That’s why many recovering addicts of all kinds need, like sodagirl, to carefully avoid the reminders and stimuli that might otherwise lure them back into old patterns of behavior.

It’s similar to what happens when a person learns they have diabetes: If they do not want to succumb to the disease, they probably have to completely revamp many of their routine life activities, especially their eating habits, and learn the discipline and perseverance to stick with the new requirements - one day at a time, for each new day they encounter. If you truly have a persistent eating disorder, you may need to do something similar. One of the most indispensible conditions for that is to make sure you get enough support from other people. That can be friends, family members, therapists, spiritual counselors or companions, and especially 12-step or other kinds of support groups of people who’ve been through experiences and impulses similar to yours and are now engaged in their own recovery process.

Answer #3

This question wasn’t for me it was because my friend is suffering from anorexia and i’m extremely worried about her. Ive managed to control my disordered eating, I have seen alot of people try to recover and just end up relapsing and becoming worse than what they began so i just wanted to see if there was hope for a full recovery

Answer #4

I’m sorry I misunderstood who you were asking about, but glad to hear you’re still on track! Recovery never comes with a guarantee against relapse, but there is always hope for renewed sobriety and self-love.

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