What are the chances we'll get back together?

So my boyfriend (of ten months) and I recently broke up because a girl kissed him on a field trip and he started to develop feelings for her and he didn’t wan’t to hurt me anymore because he felt so guilty. He claims he loves me and I’m his best friend and all that.. he even said it to my mom.. when she chewed him out. I know this will sound bad.. but what are the chances he’ll want to get back together? In your opinions?

Answer #1

If that was me I wouldnt let him back, simply because he’s a cheat but also has feelings for that girl which is a strong thing to state. You will still probably still love him but by the sounds of things, you can get better.

Answer #2

I understand that, but I just wanted to know the chances that he’ll eventually want me back

Answer #3

If it was really true love..meant to be…….he’ll persist…..impossible to put odds on it..it’s whats inside him…..

Answer #4

I don’t think it sounds too likely. It sounds like he loves you as a friend and cherishes the relationship u have because you’re close, but not in a partnered relationship. This is known as “the friendzone” and it’s really hard to get out of it

Answer #5

I know how you feel. But you don’t want to degrade yourself. I would take a step back from him and if he wants to see what happens with this other girl let it. I wouldn’t talk to him for now. Cause your better then that and he want him to see that. That your not desperate, you don’t need him. You want him to come back crawling to you saying he messed up. Even with all of this that happened. Be confident even a little concitied would be fine just so he sees that it didn’t bring you down & you deserve better.( If your all over him texting talking to him he will know he can just come back whenever, and that your always there no matter what he does.) YOU don’t want that, when he sees you branching out and talking with other guys that might peak his jealousy and then figure out that he wants to be with you still. But don’t go back right away, make him show it to you what you mean to him.

Answer #6

no one can know that but him. Find someone who won’t hurt you. Someone that you can trust. Once trust is broken a relationship is almost near impossible.

Answer #7

Honey, let him go, that’s the beat thing you can so because if he loves you like he say he do he oulsnt be looking at no one else and be would come back to tou and never hurt you again. If he don’t then it wasn’t meant to be give yourself a week to mourn over him then move on. You will forget of of you keep yourself bush and move on, sounds hard and it may be hard to do but its all you can do. Your only gonna push him away into the girls hands by chasing, show him that he’s missing out on a beautiful person, you

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