zits I hate them

I get zits allt he time . I have tried a lot of stuff but nothing seems to work . <_> Whats should I do ???

Answer #1

I have a lot of ‘secrets’ that are kind of random(weird really)

If you want store bought products the best one I’ve used is “PanOxyl Aquagel” Really, when you’re buying face wash/creams for acne prone skin you want something with benzoyl peroxide in it. (look under ingredients) Anything from 5% - 15% will do just fine (mine’s 5%) I’ve always had oily skin, but extremely sensitive at the same time so it’s really hard to find products that work well. PanOxyl is a gel that you use.. just put a dab of it on the infected area everyday - after you have a shower/wash your face. If I have a bad pimple I usually use it twice a day. It’s clear and dries fast.

As for my ‘secrets’ : Eye make up remover - extra virgin olive oil. Get rid of puffy eyes - preparation H. Champagne toner.

Face Masks:

  • Blend almonds and plain vanilla yogert together. Put on face. Wash off in 15 mins.This will make your skin soft and help tighten your pores.

  • Crush up a aspirin tablet (un-coated), add a little bit of water. Once dissolved, put on face. Leave on for 15 mins. This helps tighten pores, get rid of acne plus exfoliate your skin.

  • Heat up some honey. NOT TO HOT! Put it all over your face. Leave on for 15 - 20 mins.

Toothbrush Skincare Treatment:

  • Get face wet, take any kind of face wash and put it all over your face.. take an electric toothbrush (that you’ll only use for your skin) turn it on and going in a circular motion, “brush” your face. lol … this helps to exfoliate your skin, open your pores to get all that dirt and stuff out. Once you rinse off your face, put cold water on your skin to help close the pores and use a toner.

To clean out your pores:

  • boil some water. Put into a big bowl (I use a baking bowl).. tie your hair back and put your face over the bowl. Make sure you put a towel over your head as well, this acts as a “tent” to help keep the heat in.

  • Tomato scrub… Take a tomato and cut off the top (just a bit - this will act as your face scrubber pad. ) dip it into fine granulated sugar and scrub it onto your face. Leave on for 15-20mins. Tomatoes are good for u .. they can decrease your chances of cancer, diabetes, and even heart disease. Tomatoes contain Lycopene which acts as sun screen. Lycopene is high in antioxidants and they are crucial in skin care because antioxidant combat free radicals. ( helps prevent your skin from damage against sun, wind, temp. change, etc)

  • To get softer skin/hair put milk in your bath. lol

And here is one that I just found today. http://ricebunny.xanga.com/689304511/kitty-litter-mask/

Lol these may be weird, but they work. I hope this helps :)
Take care, Paige.

Answer #2

use this new acne product called acne free you can buy it at wall mart I have no zits so ummm yup thay also have sever kit so should work

Answer #3

If you have oily skin, it’s hard to keep your face clean. Keep your face clean. Don’t dry it out too much, but just keep it clean, wash it frequently. Acne eventually passes. DON’T POP THEM :)

Answer #4

I put a dab of toothpaste on the zits as they come… and it takes them away… but I have very combination skin. That might not be a good idea with someone that has sensitive skin

Answer #5

omg acne sucks. I used proactiv and used it every day. I wash my face in the shower as well. do not pop them or else you will get nasty scars. pimples happen to everyone and a lot of times I use coverup..lol. but they will pass eventually, you can get laser surgery as well

Answer #6

Thx I try to clean my face and stuff . It might be hard with such a busy schedule . I will manage thx . ^_^

Answer #7

Clean you face everyday with water & soap. Try twice a day if that doesnt work after a while.

Zit cream & spotsticks do. not. work.

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