Answer #1

Legend now but the Greeks really did believe in them then. Humans have always wanted answers so they made gods to explain things. Like disasters at sea, lightning and what happens to people after they die.

Answer #2

Legend, but then again i am only sure of this because of percy jackson but im pretty sure he is just a story

Answer #3

Haha! Did you see Clash of the Titans?

Answer #4

It depends on who you talk to. There are still many followers of the Olympians in Greece and they would certainly tell it was true. I believe in Zeus, so to me its true. But, to others its legend.

Answer #5

That’s cool! I like that!

Answer #6

nope :) but then again logan lerman wasn’t in that :p

Answer #7

That is a new different knowledge for me, Patricia. :-) I was wondering, if it is only a legend why is seems so true…

Answer #8

. He is just as much of a legend as Jehovah is. .

Answer #9

Haha! Come on Majikthise! I don’t believe in Zeus either but we should respect Patricia’s beliefs! Haha!

Answer #10

Zeus was a god to the Greeks, so he is a s real to the history of there religion, as what every you believe to be true to your religion now. I do not think you could classify Zeus as a legend, because he was more of a faith.

Answer #11

All of Greece at one time belived in the Ancient Gods (So did Rome, they just had different name). There are still temples all over Greece to many of the Greek Gods, and a couple of the Statues that were made in tribute to them are counted as some of the wonders of the Ancient world.

Once Christianity came in, following of the Greek Gods became illiegal in Greece and they actually just got the right back a few years ago. Now the Greek people can follow their native Gods once again.

“For the last two thousand years, the worship of the Greek Gods in Greece has been illegal. However, in the year 2006 a court in Athens overturned the law and ordered that the worship of the countries original Gods be allowed. In the year 2005, around 2000 Greek citizens were followers of the ancient Gods and another 100,000 had an interest in it. Since the overturning of the law, the numbers have increased significantly. For many of the people of Greece the overturning of the law made it so they could follow their hearts without fear of persecution or prejudice. A right that should never have been taken away from them.”

I’m not so much a follower of Zeus, but my Patron Deity in Pan, which is a Greek God.

Answer #12

Zeus would not be considered part of history by historians any more than the creation story in the bible would be considered history. However, if you’re asking whether or not Zeus existed, well that’s like asking if God/gods exist. Who knows?

Answer #13

The stories of Zeus and other Greek (and Roman) gods are mythology, no different than the mythology of the bible. I would not call it a legend, because a legend generally has some grain of truth to it. Mythology is a purely fictional account of how the world came to be. Again, just like the bible, the torah, and the quran are fictional accounts of a supernatural force creating the world. Just about every culture in the world has similar mythology surrounding their origins.

Answer #14

The Ancient Greek people believed in Zeus. He was their main god. They also had other gods because they had a polytheistic religion. But Zeus was the boss-god.

Now, if you ask an Atheist he’ll say Zeus is legend because Gods generally do not exist. If you ask a Christian, A Jew or a Muslim, they’ll say that Zeus did not exist because there is only one God. They’ll still fight among each other about which one is the correct one and only god…

If you ask a historian, he’ll say people really believed in Zeus back then. And all else is not accounted for.

Answer #15

Are you tring to take over the lead of the most funadvice points?

Answer #16


Answer #17

Hehe! Nice answer man!!!

Answer #18

It’s like saying ‘is God real.’ To most people he is a giant myth to be laughed at, but a select few morons believe he does exist.

Answer #19

Trist, while I don’t believe in anything supernatural, you are wrong to say to most think he is a myth. Unfortunately too many people don’t realize it is just a myth. Most people do believe in a god. But it is becoming less and less as time and science has progressed. In a few hundred years, belief in supernatural beings will pretty much be restricted to a few extremist zealots and most people will accept that the supernatural does not exist.

Answer #20

I wish it was true. and if it is, WOOOHOOO

Answer #21

Well, I read a book on Greek Mythology and the Romans overpowered the greeks and adopted their gods/goddesses and renamed them. Zeus’s roman name is Jupiter or Jove. But along with your question, it all depends on your religion. Say, if you were catholic, you believe in God, so many say its “disrespectful” to believe in anothers religion. No one knows for sure though.

Answer #22


Answer #23

Not wanting to arise any dispute, i would like to give the possible Bible explanation for Zeus: Genesis 6:1-4 states: “Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them…then the sons of the [true] God (ANGELS) …went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose… The Neph´i·lim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, WHEN the sons of the [true] God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of FAME.” So the Neph´i·lim were half men and half angels, with superpowers but completely earthly creatures, not spiritual ones. They of course died during the flood, but in time might have developed a “legend” about Zeus based on some real facts.

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