Younger boyfriend.

ok I have a boyfriend and hes 1 grade lower and like 6 months younger… All my friends are like hes still cute but all his friends are so small and immature and weird…I don’t know if thats the REAL him?! Is it bad to have a younger boyfriend…oh and I kinda like an older guy too hes 3 years older and hes cute I just know if we ever went out then I could never bairley see him…What do I do Im sooo confused!!!

Answer #1

well depending on grade level you can expect them to be a bit immature. do watever makes you happy. then again if you can spend some time with your boyfriend alone and see that hes not immature then hes not like his friends :P

Answer #2

I am going out with a boy right now that is a grade younger and ten months younger..if you really like him then go for it. I am so glad I did! there is nothing wrong with a younger man…they might not be as mature but oh well

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