Young boy !!

I met this boy last year and I liked him when I first eva saw him.. and a couple of months later he asked me out but I said no because I really likes this otha boy.. and I didnt really talk to him after that and a few weeks ago we have started talking again but I neva new he was on year 8 he looks so much older but he really likes me but im in year 11 now. so theres a BIG age differnce but we really like eachoher does age matter ?

Answer #1

well I kind of know how you feel… I’m currently dating a guy a year an a half younger than I am and to be honest even though I had my doubts at first, we are great together. We are in the same year but he’s a year younger and I’m a year older.

If you guys really think there’s something there, go for it :). It’s better to find out what would happen if you dated… not what would’ve happened. It doesn’t matter what other people think, though it’s hard to ignore them. I used to get bagged a bit but now since we’ve been dating for 3 months I think people have gotten over it :P

Anyway, the point is do what feels right.

good luck!

Answer #2

I’d say go for it. When you care about someone age doesn’t matter. If it makes you feel better then keep the relationship between you two outside of school.

Answer #3

Thanks. :)

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