do you like miley cyrus?

do you like miley cyrus? personally I dont.

Answer #1

I dont know the girl personally so it would be slack to say I dont like her for no reason,

but I think shes cute & comes across as nice & sweet & most kids & teens love her including my own children :-)

Answer #2

no I dont. I especially hate that “fly on the wall” song. its very annoying

Answer #3

I like her a whole, whole lot. :) Honestly, I’m not one to judge people, and I bet she’s great if you really get to know her, because most of you people that don’t like her have never met her. Neitehr have I, but that doesn’t mean I automatically hate her just from what pictures and fake interviews say.


Answer #4

Sure - seems like a nice person at heart - has strengths and weaknesses like all of us…Take care !!

Answer #5

No… I don’t like her, I haven’t heard of many people who does like her…

Answer #6

no I dont like her… shes getting very annoying.. and if she wants to do the things she does, then she shouldnt try to be an inspiration to lil kids.

Answer #7

Cards I’m 15 and I like her ! people just need to grow up,u can’t hate someone you done no,u cud dislike them but not hate them. Simple as that.

Answer #8

I think she is only famous because of her dad and I honestly I think she has the most terrible voice on earth hahah and dont knwo how anyone would sign her there are so many other bettter singers then her

Answer #9

I like her a lot

Answer #10

no!!! why would I??? she gets on my nerves!!!

Answer #11


Answer #12

I don’t mind her.

Answer #13

I can’t f*cking stand her! She has no true talent at all, she sucks at singing AND acting. Her voice is highly annyoing. I never have liked her and never will.

Answer #14


Answer #15

yeah, course. shes fab and a inspiration to many people. She rocks and I want to have a life like hers.

Answer #16

I like her show Hannah Montana. she is okay though I dont know if I like her cause everyone else doesn’t and plus they keep talking about how she is sucha bad influence on lil kids.

Answer #17

Miley Cyrus is my rolemodel.

Answer #18

Yes i do She is my Absolute role-model, Meeting her is my absolute dream She is awesome and i dont care how she dresses, she’s just trying to be edgy and grown up, she’s not 10 anymore

Answer #19

i don’t really care for her,she’s just another young entertainer who will eventually follow the wrong road and become a train wreck like the others.the person you see on camera is completely different than what she is like in person. they are the way you see them because they haveto be,the camera’s there.take all the sound mixing etc away from her and she’s not that great.but thats just my opinion and who am i

Answer #20

everyone has their own opinion and so do you and i respect that

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