What's a yeast infection and how do you get it?

what is a yeast infection?? how can you get it?? what does it look like and what can it do to you??

Answer #1

“Common signs and symptoms of yeast infections include:

* itching and irritation in the v*gina
* redness, swelling, or itching of the vulva (the folds of skin outside the v*gina)
* a thick, white discharge that can look like cottage cheese and is usually odorless, although it might smell like bread or yeast
* pain or burning when urinating or during s*x"


To help prevent infections: -wear loose clothing -wear cotton underwear -never douche unless your ob-gyn tells you that you should (that’s rare) -change pads and tampons often -don’t sit around in wet bathing suits or clothes for too long

Yeast infection medicine is easy to get and is available over the counter, so many people are eager to buy it without seeing their ob-gyn first. You should not do that though. If you suspect you have a yeast infection, see an ob-gyn. It’s even printed right on the yeast infection medication box that you should not take it without talking to your doctor first. That’s because there are other things that have symptoms that are similar to yeast infections. Most of us are not doctors, so we cannot diagnose ourselves or anyone else. So the doctor or ob-gyn has to make we actually have a yeast infection and not something else. If we take medication for a condition that we don’t even have, that can just make things worse.

Check out the link above for more information on yeast infections.

Answer #2

To add to Ilewellyn’s list is if you have been on antibiotic’s for a long time. The antibiotic’s will kill natural bacteria your body needs.

Answer #3

i think i might have one and im only 11 without my period and im scared!!!

Answer #4

If you think you might have an infection, then you should go to a doctor. The doctor will be able to tell you for sure whether or not you have an infection, give you something to take care of the infection if you do have one, and answer any other questions you might have about your body. It might seem embarrassing, but it’s really not that bad. Your mom probably had questions about her body and an infection at some point too, so she should understand. And doctors are professionals who have seen everything.

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