What writer is from Schuylkill County has won the National Book Award?

…and also the Pulitzer for Literature, other than Conrad Richter?

Answer #1

haha i have no clue, i didnt even know someone from around here got that award. haha i didnt think anyone really came out of the area famous besides Breaking benjamin and Joe Madden. …i am from NEPA haha

Answer #2

OMG. HOW YA DOING COURTNEY! I saw the bonus for English just now, so I searched t on Google, and i was like..thats weird, someone asked the same question, and then i saw the user name huskyluvr, and then i was like. OMG. ITS COURTNEY. SO THEN I MADE AN ACCOUNT AND CAME BACK TO YOUR QUESTON AND HERE I AM!!! as for the answer…no clue. :D Ive only found Conrad Richter too…but maybe its john Ohara, he was from Pottsville and he was a writer and stuff, so check him! GOOD LUCK ANYWAYS, IF YOU FIGURED OUT WHO THIS IS YET?? mwahahahahahaha. seeya in class tomorrow courtnia!! -josh!!!11

Answer #3

wow josh, the only thing is John O’Hara won the National Book Award, but wanted to, but did not win the Pulitzer for Literature. He’s the best second answer I can come up with, I’m sticking with it.

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