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I would guess so.
The simple fact that you have to ask means you don’t really know enough to do the job properly, nor have you given us enough information to help you do the job properly (and the likelihood that we can is pretty slim, anyhow). If your horse needs care, you should consult a professional horse trainer or a vet.
yes my brother had an x race horse who cut his knee and he did
i was just wondering if i could because she just banged her knee on a bar and it hurts but the vet wont come out cuz its noe severe but other ppl are telling me to wrap it. but if i wrap it she cant walk i dont think
Yes, it can be wrapped but I don’t know anything about how to do it.
Horse ranches - 1 Answers
Are there any horse ranches in the US that you can stay at for the summer and work with horses, as well as do typical ranch d...
How can I get a permit to ride my horse on the beach in port - 2 Answers
How can I get a permit to ride my horse on the beach in port saint lucie florida?
what are some good horse videos on how to teach your horse how to bow? - 1 Answers
im in a horse club and for a little assignment my instrutor wants us to teach our horses to bow, but i cant get the hang of i...
rare horse color - 3 Answers
what is the rarest American Quarter Horse color?
Keeping the horses warm - 1 Answers
What's a good way to make sure my horses stay warm over winter?! I've got blankets, sleazys, and I guess polo wraps for when ...
Which horse will win? - 3 Answers
If there are 2 horses competing in showjumping,and the 1st horse finishes at lets say 30 seconds with no penalties and the 2n...
anyone heard of feeding your pitbull horse meat? - 2 Answers
Has anyone heard of feeding your pitbull horse meat?
Do horses have whiskers? - 3 Answers
angela (my bestfriend) and I are wondering, do horses have whiskers?
Horse Judgeing - 1 Answers
For my riding lessons my instucter wants me and the other kids in my group to learn judgeing. Does anyone know what judges lo...
How can I get a nice free horse in vt? - 2 Answers
I am looking for a nice horse and a 15 to 16 hand horse for free if you have one put you horse pic thinks
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