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Give your Ex a 2nd chance? My cousin give up all and move for this guy and then she helped him a lot and he just get up one day and told her he doesn’t want a relationship right now and he thought he was ready. He ctually had her doing a lot for him and then he will get mad and call her names then say sorry . She say he have a short patience. She moved and went back and then leave again. And know she calls me telling me he’s begging her to come back. I told her let it go cause he’s using her. She help him buy a car, buy him jordans sneakers and just let this guy use her. I know this is personal, but she say he will let her oral sex him at all times and he don’t really give it to her. She say they don’t really have sex, but he doesn’t cheat, he just hang with his friends and drink a lot. He’s actually a mam’s boy she say and that she got him to move from his mom, but he’s staying at his cousin temporary. He have real bad credit and owe so many people she say. He’s in his 30’s and don’t have his own place and he’s asking my because to come back and when she get her place he will move in with her. She was hiding this but she told me she got pregnant and he told her he don’t want a baby cause he already have 4 kids. She wanted to keep it she say but she was having panic attack and it was making her weak and stuff. So she did an abortion and up until this day she cry to me telling me she regret doing it. She say he called her teling her he wants a baby now, but she is telling me she is confuse. She is in love with this guy, but I think she should let it go. I put this out there so she can read it and see what other people think and just move on.

Answer #1

Wow - he sounds like a lowlife moron. She really needs to look at the facts of the situation - if it wasn’t her and she read that she’d probley be going “he’s not worth it” but since it’s her, she feels things are so different than what they sound. I hope she sees what is going on soon and moves on, she could do much better.

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