Would I look good blonde?

I want to dye my hair and I am not sure if I should go blonde. If so what shade of blonde, and if not what color should I dye it, darker brown or what. OORRR should I just leave it the way it is and not dye my hair at all? Just look at my pics for help :) Let me know! Thanks :)

Answer #1

I think its prettty, it really is. but if you’re willing to go blonde.. cut it shorter, & highlight. with a light blonde, blondish brown & the brown you have, trust me, if it doesnt look cute I’ll cut my hair super short & send you the pictures lol

Answer #2

I think it would look great blonde in the summer, as long as you dont go too blonde. maybe some lighter brown and darker blonde highlights would look nice? But your hair does look great brown, and his you don’t like it, you will have to put up with it for a long time.


Answer #3

I think your hair looks good the way it is.I mean you would look good with blonde hair to, but I think it looks better like it is

Answer #4

I wouldnt dye it at all

I think you look great the way you are.

plus brown hair is prettyer then blonde anyway :D

and think of this, if you dye it and end up not liking it… itll take a lonnng time to grow back out.

Answer #5

leave it brown

brown hair is usualy classy

and forced bleach blonde ususaly looks cheep and hookerish

Answer #6

Maybe a few blonde streaks but thats about it - don’t dye your whole head, you have gorgeous hair as it is.

Answer #7

Leave your hair the way it is. That’s what God gave you, so you should be happy.:)

Answer #8

I honestly think your a pretty brunett judging from your pictures, (:

but I think you might be able to pull it off blonde. it never hurts to experiment. especially during summer.

good luck, <3.

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