What do you have to do when doing work experience in a primary school?

Answer #1

I done my work experience in a nursery if that helps?:D They made me a teaching assistant and I just helped make the children some lunch, apples, bananas, toast.. Took them out onto the yard and let them have break where they played games then took them back inside and read a story to them before they went home.. That was pretty much every day & I’m guessing it will be similar in a primary school?

You will most probably be a teaching assistant, so you will be told to go around the class helping out the children if they get stuck with say a spelling or a math problem.. You will need to supervise them at lunch when they are out on the yard, make sure they aren’t being morons and beating each other up haha:3 Just think of what your teachers did when you were in primary school and you will be doing pretty much the same but you won’t actually teaching the children just helping out :)

The best thing is, is days where the children have PE lessons and you get to do some crazy games with them and activities, running around like a freak being all young again.. It’s great and such a laugh!

If your thinking about goin to a primary school for work experience I would say yeah! Deffinatly do it and I’m sure you won’t regret choosing it:D

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