who here knows what the word "gutted" means in the phrase "gutted for you"?

coz noone seems to know and i cant explain it well XD ???? E

Answer #1

I know what “gunning for you” means, maybe it’s the same meaning with different phrasing.

Answer #2

nah it isnt :P


Answer #3

Well, then poop!

Answer #4

go to urbandictionary.com and type it in.

Answer #5

i know what it means i was wondering how many other people knew :P


Answer #6

Oh! haha okay.

Answer #7

I know what it means!

is this the answer you’re looking for? or a better explanation? i’ll answer both! it’s like the same as saying ‘unlucky’, it expresses empathy at someone’s misfortune, or can be used is a less concerned way, sort of taunting someone.

Answer #8

it means that sucks for you

Answer #9

it means that whoever saying it is sorry for you

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