Why won't my boyfriend understand what I'm going through?

Hi, thanks for taking time to read/answer my question. I have a bf of 4 yrs, and were usually pretty happy together. I lost my dad 9 months ago to a massive heart attack, as well as my grandma and grandpa recently too..I dont normally talk to him about how I feel, because I prefer to greive in silence and alone. But there are times that I do talk to him, and he is more the aware of everything Im going threw. Recently he’s just been giving me so much attitude and when I ask him why we end up arguing..he lives with me, so I know hes not cheating..but he should simply understand that my moodswings are completly normal, theres nothing I can do to stop them..Im so depressed as it is..and the one person I thought would always be there for me is there for his ps3 more than I. I do admit I may ask him to do a little to much..and I will work on this..but I was there for him threw his hard times..how can I make him understand..like to a t? I just feel like being me just isnt good enough for him anymore..although I know he would never admit to this..its frustrating..I cant picture my life without him, but this might actually just be the solution. Please help! Thanks

Answer #1

because some boys never mature into men, and that seems like the problem here. males have a harder time confronting and dealing with heavy emotions, and im not sure if thats due to society or just genetics. eitger way, you need to find a way to communicate with him. if he womt listen, you have two options. dump his ass or try relationship\ grief counseling. good luck.

Answer #2

either wont

Answer #3

He is a guy he will never understand the moodswings..as far as losing ur dad Im so sorry anyway he prob. doesnt get it because it wasnt his dad and he really doesnt understand what ur goin threw even if he says he does. Try not to think about ur dad as much Im sure u loved him but he is in a better place and Im sure he doesnt want u to be sad for him..but I dont think ur bf will really understand everything. I hope I helped!!!!!

Answer #4

I think you should check yourself, if you’re in a mood…Tell him and find a room to be alone. Don’t let him catch the mood too. I think you should try to keep your relationship fresh. Go out with your bf, tell him how much you appreciate him. Even cooking him dinner would help. I think he needs to know that you’re still with him, and not consumed by your own grief.

Answer #5

Depression does not effect just you it effects him too. The reason he is acting the way he he acts is because he does not know how to help you any other way. He probably feels that since you were able to go through tough times before by yourself you can handle this too, which isn’t wrong of him to think. What you should do is sit down with him no distractions around at all and tell him exactly what you told us. Tell him that at times you want to deal with the greif alone but at other times when its too much you want his shoulder to cry on. Be honest with everything. My relationships do not work out because I do not communicate well do not let that be the reason you break it off after 4 years. I am sure he wants to help you he just does not know how and will never know unless you tell him how to. Communication is key. By the way I am sorry for your loss. Death takes a toll on everyone.

Answer #6

thank you :)

Answer #7

I will agree to this….,. Also sorry about your losses.

Answer #8

yes…he should understand you.When somebody doesn’t understand in tough time.. it’s of no use…try and talk to him about this

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