How many women in the U.S get a c-section in a year?

Answer #1

About 30%…and if you ask me, the majority of them are unnecessary.

Answer #2

A shocking 30% and almost half of those are due to women being impatient and doctors allowing them to either be induced too soon (inducing leads to a c-sction about half the tiime), or from doctors allowing a woman to schedule a c-section instead of going into labor and having the baby v@ginally. Its sad really, while your skipping the painful labor, your also doing an unneccasary major surgery and missing out on alot of the joys of childbirth.

Answer #3

i think they belive its the easier option of giving birth, they forget about the time it takes to recover from it.. id rather go through a few hours of pain, and a few days of being a bit sore, to weeks of recovery from an operation..

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