Woman problem

Can a yeast infection go away on it’s own?

Answer #1

Yeast infections can be very stubborn, especially if they’re allowed to go on for a while with no treatment. There are many antifungals available at the drugstore, usually for around $20 to $30. Don’t go for the one-day treatment, it’s not as effective as the 3-day.

Answer #2

you dont have to go to the doctor to let it heal, you can get over the counter monistat for it and it will go away in a week or less. otherwise you may get a bigger infection and really have to go to the doctor.

Answer #3

Yes but I think you should go to the doctor any way . Yours truly, Demika Ray

Answer #4

yeah pretty much but it will take longer to recover without medcine and it will bother you!!!

Answer #5

you should probalby just take medicine for it. you can get it at any walmart or store really, you dont need a prescription.

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