Will this hurt my chances?

At homecoming tonite I was dancing/grinding when I saw my crush coming over. When she was 10 ft away this girl pulled me aside and started griding on me. Then my crush rolled her eyes and turned back. What do you think this means? Did this hurt my chances with her?

Answer #1

She likes you and was upset you were with that girl and must of looked like you were enjoyin it, tel her what happened, apologize and tel her you like her x

Answer #2

well if she rolled her eyes she might think your a pig wich could have hurt your chances badley try flirting with her and if she says what about that girl from homecoming say I don’t know why she did that

Answer #3

She was probably coming to talk or dance with you, so she was hurt when you were grinding with another girl. Talk to her, if you have to kinda sneakily squeeze in that no girl that you grinded on at the dance meant anything to you, that you were waiting for her all nite. simple but sweet

Answer #4

If your crush actually liked you, she probably was hurt by this. Try talking to her.

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