Will my breast grow soon?

Okay now this is embarrasing… I’m 15 years old and and I’m only a size 32 A. All my friends are B’s and C’s, and I just want my breasts to grow! I am skinny and short about 5 foot. I weigh about 94 lbs. I don’t know if I’m too skinny, but everyone says that I am chubby because I have a fat role. If im so chubby why aren’t my breasts large?

Answer #1

wow firstly friends shouldnt call a 90 something pound chick thefat. the average weight for a young woman at 51 is 120 pounds I know this because im 51 and 20 pounds over that. SO.. no your not chubby. if you have it around your waist/stomach its probably “dont take this the wrong way” baby fat. chicks naturally have it and when they get older like a few months to years for you your hips get wider your breast get bigger. it doesnt happen over night. and you probably wont notice it. Breast arent everthing. and YOUR perfectly normal right now. I my boobs were stuck in a rut till I was 17 or something. lol. it all depends. and for now.. just wait. eat healthy, excersise and most importantly be comfortable with yourself. guys like confidence. not too much lol. but confidence is key. theyll be too busy lookn at all your positive traits to notice anything bad.

Answer #2

im just like you. im 94 pounds too. but im 5’6:p and a little twig! anyways and im a 34a haha. yeah were all different so just yeah youll grow boobs one day.

Answer #3

wow hey im with you I have the exact same problem here. but what gives me hope is that we wont stop developing till were around 20 ther isnt really anyhting we can do but wait trust me I have been researching this stuff like crazy but if you do find something let me know please =)

Answer #4
  1. your 15, your still going through puberty, but it depends on your genes too, so they may be as big as there going to get

  2. dont compare your breats to your friends, you are NOT them, and you all develop at different rates and have differnt genes

  3. your not fat, and just because you have a fat role doesnt mean youll have big boobs, being fat doesnt mean your boobs WILL be big, some overweight people have small boobs

Answer #5

k dont listen to anyone you are not chubby at all. boobs are fat that’s all lol you sound pretty petite so mayb if you had like b’s or c’s it wouldn’t fit your body that’s why your an A. I have a big body structure inturn I do have big boobs. also if your mom or gma or sisters or watever are small that could also mean why your small. most of the girls in my fam. have big boobs. I mean there are bras with extra padding and push ups you can get if it helps u. and our body still isnt fully developed yet so you still have to kinda wait and I guess when you grow up and your still not happy theres implants but I dont recommend them just try to be happy with what you have there could b a lot of worse things so try to be happy wit the way you r. hope I helped

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