will it always be like this?

ok my girlfriend said it hurt so bad when we had sex today will it start to hurt less or will it stay the same for her??? and wht ares ome ways I can make it hurt less?

Answer #1

if she was a virgin then it will hert due to her hymen the hymen is a piece of skin that covers the viginal passage to prevent infection when this is broken it hurts and they may be some blood

wait a few days and allow her to heal next time you have sex make sure she is very arroused and relaxed so she has produced enough lubrication if she is still dry you can use some ky jelly but if she is comfortable and relaxed then lubricaion shouldnt be a problem

just go slowly when you enter her and move slowly dont go at it like a porn star and wisper words of love and reasurance.

good luck

Answer #2

no she wasnt she had sex 1 other time and no she was wet enough so we didnt have to

Answer #3
  1. was she a virgin 2) did you use lube
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