wild baby mouse!!!

about an hour ago I found my dogs barking at a mouse nest. the mother was dead & there was only 1 baby in it. I have the baby now and I was wanting to know if I could put him/her with one of my females that are nursing her babies right now. will she accept him or will she eat him? help?

Answer #1

nnooo! would if it has rabies and gives it to your other pet… I know you probly dont want to get rid of it but its probly not safe sence its wild…

Answer #2

more then likly I think she will except it mice are very good mothers and I have seen them except everything from hamster babies to rat babies the same size as themselves. go for itif she eats him then more then likly it means somthing was wrong with it. Info and copyright from chairity case on answers.yahoo.com I got some help 4 u!

Answer #3

wild mice can make good pets, but I am not sure about adding it to you liter of hamsters…she may reject all of them or smell the difference and kill them all…let me know what you decided to try and how it is going,,

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