Is Wikileaks doing good to the world or what?

Answer #1

Well I think information is power, and I think one of their goals is to help stop government corruption and deception. I think some government secrets and any secret for that matter can be in place to protect people or certain interest whether good or bad.

Answer #2

It depends, im on the fence about it. While i think its great that we have information being given to us about what is really going on in the government and what we havent been told about truthfully, i believe that some government lies are neccasary for the safety and the sanity of the country. There are some things that the general public are better off not knowing since they can cause panic, misunderstanding, general havoc.

Answer #3

The impact of WikiLeaks has been greatly exaggerated by global media outlets, and by WikiLeaks itself. It has brought attention to some things that needed attention, but it has not revealed a great deal of truly surprising information, nor has it altered the course of world affairs nearly to the extent that many seem to think, or perhaps want. The leaked documents have also failed to fit any particular agenda or cause, including that of the founder, Julian Assange, since they often reveal so much detail that it only complicates the issue further (such as the controversy surrounding US targeting of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan). I think the release give some interesting details, but more than anything, they give politicians, dilpomats, and others an opportunity to feign surprise when in reality many people already knew or suspected what was in the released documents.

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