Can i wife charge her husband with rape if he raped her?

just curious.

Answer #1

yes anyone can be charged with rape. but in my opinion having a wife charge rape will have an extremely hard time standing up in court without bruises and all.

Answer #2

Now they can, they weren’t able to 20 years ago.

Answer #3

Yes they can. Rape is forcfully having sex with someone, without their consent. Even if they are their wives, does not mean they own them, and they still have to be consenting.

Answer #4

true and poeple will need to testify that the husnabd is capeable of committing such an act

Answer #5

yes, it is called spousal rape. There are a lot of women who go through this because they feel that they have to bow down to the “man” and what he says goes, what he wants he gets, and when he wants it he gets it then and there no matter what….its pretty harsh

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